Saturday, August 11, 2007

And it Continues ...

The bad luck, that is!

The flat tire I got on Sunday while on my way to work, (thereby causing me to MISS work,) was no big deal compared to what happened LAST night. At the Elephant Bar, all the costumers pay the servers for the meals. So instead of paying some cashier up front, they give the money to the server, and the server cashes them out. Throughout the night, we (the servers,) keep all the money (tips and money people use to pay for the meals,) in our little black check books. At the end of the night, the computer tells us how much money we "owe" to the restaurant before leaving, and then whatever is left is our tips. WELL. Last night as I was about to check out, some one STOLE my little black book filled with money. Don't ask me how, because I don't know. All I know is the managers and I looked for it until almost 1am last night. So ...

What this means is, not ONLY did I work 7 hours and walk away with ZERO dollars in tips, (I probably would have made about $150,) but now I also OWE the Elephant Bar $400. Yes that's right ... because some JACKASS stole my black check book, I now owe The Elephant Bar $400. As I mentioned in my previous blog, I only have 2 more weekends that I'm working at that place. So for the next 2 weekends that I work, I will make ZERO money every time now because I have to give it all to the Elephant Bar when I'm done. So starting NOW, I will be making no money until I move and get another job, which could be several weeks. I'm ... stressed.



we rule the school said...

That is sooo shitty. That has happened at one of the restaurants I used to work at. Not to me, but one of my friends.

Andrew says that this is a sign that you need to run for your life (from LA).