Saturday, December 29, 2007


Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas! For Christmas eve, (although it was really in the afternoon,) Chris, his family, and myself included, all gathered at his grandma's house (where all his other relatives were) for some quality food and festering time. Afterwards, Chris' family and I headed back to his dad's house where we all opened presents and then went to bed, lol. For part of my Christmas present, Chris got me the two PS2 games "Kingdom Hearts," (I and II) which I've been playing all week long. OH and he got me the third edition of Donald Duck Cartoon Classics dvds!!! Which are pretty hard to find. I love them!!!!

I'm currently sitting on my bum eating Dots ... it's lovely. For some reason all weekend I've been craving Dots. Last night I had Dots, and tonight I had to go back to Walgreens to get some more, lol. Weird.

I can't believe it's just about 2008. Anybody got any new years resolutions? :P

Sunday, December 23, 2007

In Loving Memory

This is something my dad wrote in memory of Smacky. A lot of these memories are the same for me, so I decided to post this.

"Some Remembrances of My Smacky Boy


Smacky will go down as one of the great cats of all time. My "Boy" died about 10 hours ago, and he's on my mind. I hope he's in Little Dog's Park in Heaven right now.

Smacky Boy came to 4308 Royal Aberdeen in late June of 2005. "Black and White" was an abandoned kitten who I found one afternoon as I was leaving the Medical School on my way to the parking lot. The kitten seemed frightened by all the commotion and noise, so I decided to bring him home.

He was an immediate hit with the household. He was so good-natured and playful! He and Little Dog became best friends, though more like brother (Smacky) and sister (Little Dog). Even as a youngster, Smacky displayed a trait that I have never seen exhibited to such a degree in cats-confidence. He took everything in stride. Nothing ever bothered him much.

Smacky was named after the little pet bear of Bucky-cat in the comic strip, Get Fuzzy. Somehow the name really fit him well.

Here are a few things I'll always remember about my "Sugar Smacks."

He was extremely bright in many ways. One day when he was still a juvenile, I opened the refrigerator, and he just walked up to it and pulled out a can of Fritz's opened cat food in his mouth. He knew right away what he wanted and got it. He put the can down and started eating.

Smacky was also a long, lean, athletic cat. He had the longest legs, front and back, of any cat I've ever seen. He also had such a cute lovable face.

Nothing much ever seemed to bother Smacky. He loved playing with dogs, like Little Dog, Oreo (after Little Dog died from being hit by a car), and with Elle (the neighbor dog across the street). One of Smacky's classic maneuvers was what I called the "Rope-a-Dope," after a defensive move that Muhammad Ali used to do in the boxing ring. Smacky would lay on his side on the ground while the dog he was playing with would be trying to nip at Smacky. Smacky would just twist himself to keep from getting grabbed. Oreo would sometimes bite Smacky's ear and tug him, but Smacky never seemed to mind much.

Smacky also liked to tease the larger (and meaner) dogs in the neighborhood-- like the ones in the yard behind ours. Smacky would go up to their fence and just lay down, which would send them into a barking and jumping frenzy, because they couldn't get him.

I also suspected that Smacky was part polar bear, because he didn't mind staying outside on extremely cold winter nights. It wasn't unusual-even if it was 15 to 20 degrees-to find Smacky in the middle of the night on a chair outside the front door. Most of the time, he would come in, but he wasn't in a hurry.

Smacks was pretty much an omnivore. He liked dry cat food, he liked "squishy" cat food, he liked dog food, and he like people food. It didn't much matter to Smacky what kind of food he was given.

If Smacky had a weakness, it was that he didn't seem to be intimidated by cars. It wasn't unusual to see him lying in the middle of the street. My prediction was that he would eventually be hit by a car.

Something car-related proved to cause his final demise. About 4 pm yesterday afternoon (Saturday, 12/22/07), Carolyn was closing the garage door and Smacky ran under it at exactly the wrong time. The door crushed him right in the middle, killing him instantly. Carolyn called for me. I found him lifeless. No more Little Boy.

I hope to see my friend someday in heaven in Little Dog's Park. After Little Dog died, I asked God if He would give Little Dog a park in heaven for animals killed by cars or in other accidents. I'm going to ask God if He would let Smacky be Little Dog's assistant. Smacky wanted to be everyone's friend. He was certainly mine.

I'll miss you my friend. Yet another reminder of the fragility of life in this world."


I'm completely devastated right now. I just found out that my cat, Smacky, died today. :( Apparently, he got smashed underneath the garage door. :( After much crying and Chris trying to comfort me, I have taken 4 shots of alcohol to numb the pain. It ... sucks. And I HATE shots. I don't do shots. But tonight I did. And I'm amazed that I'm even able to type right now.

RIP Smacky. I loved my "leetle one!" My leetle baby boy. I love and will greatly miss my baby boy. And I agree with Esther. Fuck 2007. This is the 3rd death in 5 months of some one that is near to me. I hope 2008 is better. I love you, Smacky!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Coming Home!!!

Hey I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be arriving in Kansas City on Wednesday, January 16th and will be in town until Thursday, January 31st. Can't wait!!! :)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Yum Yum.

Doesn't that chocolate cake just look sooooo yummy? I made it myself! Yes that's right. I made it out of blended newspaper, water, salt, glue, spackle, and paint. Oh and a berry on top! Now that I go over the list of ingredients, maybe it wouldn't taste so yummy afterall. :P I've spent all week making a bunch of these, which are actually Christmas ornaments. (I haven't yet attached the string to hang them.) But aren't they super duper cute?! :D

I finally got some more Christmas shopping done yesterday, so I'm ALMOST done! Although the only gifts I really need to have on time are the presents for Chris. I'm not seeing everyone else until January so I have a whole extra month. Speaking of seeing everyone in January, I'm soooo so excited to go home for like 2 weeks! For ya'lls info, I'll probably be arriving into town "around" January 23rd-ish. (I'm getting my ticket tomorrow or Tuesday.) Woooo hoooo!

I can't believe it's almost Christmas, (again!!!) The years go by so fast.

Monday, December 10, 2007


Well today was my first day back at Starbucks, it was a long day! 4am til 4pm at both jobs. Woah.

My dad and Carolyn came to visit over the weekend, which was fun. We ate out a lot, went bowling, ate some more, and then went out some more. It was fun. Yay.

Got our first Christmas tree Saturday, it's super cute. Although the f*ucking" lights don't seem to be working anymore today, which greatly pisses me off. GREATLY pisses me off.

I'm really hungry, I need to eat. I had intended on writing more "in depth" but ... I don't really feel like it. So ... I'm going to go eat.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Craving ...

I really want a tuna salad sandwhich right now. Mmmmm that sounds SO good.

Monday, December 03, 2007


Yesterday Chris took me to see the movie "Enchanted," which I must say I found simply delightful. It was just the cheery, sappy, cheesy kind of movie I needed. :P Plus I really got a kick out of it, especially the over exaggerated Prince character who constantly made me laugh and snicker throughtout the film, hehehee.

I can't believe it's only 21 days until Christmas- I haven't even STARTED Christmas shopping!!! Although if I'm not going home until mid January I guess that buys me some extra time (except for Chris' present,) which is GOOD. Extra time is good, and I really need it to make up for all the money I lost this month. POOOO on getting loads of money stollen.

The perks of working at Starbucks again have already started, even though I don't actually "start" until next week. I went in today after work to get my caramel macchiato and guess what? It was FREE. :P

Toasty just meowed at me. Cute. Meow.