Monday, January 19, 2009

I'm confused ...

I was balancing my check book online just now, (you know, just checking off the deposits and withdrawls to my checking account,) and noticed that there is a deposit for almost $4,000 currently pending. What the??? I have no idea what that is or where it came from but I'm definitely calling my bank tomorrow. A bit weird if you ask me ...

Chris has been sick with what kinda seems like the flu since Saturday and I'm really lucky that I haven't caught it. Phew. :::wipes brow:::

Right now I'm currently debating on whether or not to sign up for another 6 week session of my acting class. (Next Thursday is the last class for this session.) The reasons why I would even be debating on possibly NOT signing up for another session right now is because of a couple different reasons. Firstly, money at the moment is a bit tight right now considering I quit the Elephant Bar, just returned from an almost 3 week vacation, and currently have ANOTHER week off of work because of Sundance ... and registration for 6 weeks is $275. But perhaps my biggest reason is that ... I'm having a hard time doing it "on the side." For me, I like to do things all the way or not at all. And right now I'm really focusing on getting my wedding planning business off of the ground, and I know I want that as a career. Acting for me has become more of a hobby, something to do just for fun. I'd love to do it as a career if I could just wake up every morning and work on shooting a movie, but I know it's not like that for most people. I hate auditions, looking for auditions, schmoozing, and everything else having an acting career involves besides the actual acting part. So I've resolved to just do it for fun. But I'm having a hard time focusing on starting my business when I'm constantly worrying about my monologues or scenes for class, which are very emotionally demanding. I get stressed some times just thinking about going to class knowing that I'm going to have to cry multiple times right on the spot. I just don't know if I am emotionally strong enough to focus on starting my business AND class at the same time ... if that makes any sense. I suppose many people wouldn't get stressed about doing monologues and scenes but I do. I have to prepare myself mentally and emotionally throughout the entire week in order to practice and go to class. Errr ... I don't know. Bagh!!!

I'm also annoyed and confused with blogger because for the past several weeks I haven't been able to post pictures because they come out HUGE, even if they're way tiny and I put the setting on "small." For instance, I was going to attach a lovely little confused smiley face to this very post, and even resized it in photoshop to MAKE SURE that it's very small, and it STILL came out huge ...

And now, I'm off to go find yet something ELSE to be confused about ...