www.modcloth.com has the cutest stuff EVER and I want it all!!!! :P
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Full Speed Ahead!
Well, it's been only 8 days since I got engaged and I have already gotten much accomplished in the way of wedding planning. So far this week I have:
- Chris and I chose the approximate date of the wedding
- The budget has been figured out
- Have almost come to a final decision on not only the venue, but the STATE in which the wedding will take place
- I have chosen the wedding colors
- Picked out and bought all the flowers for the reception centerpieces
- Started Chris and I's wedding website
- Designed the invitations and bought all the material to make them
- Looked at, tried on, and bought my wedding dress
- Have come up with lots of ideas
- Have narrowed down the list of photographers, bakers, and other vendors
- Have picked out the dresses for the bridesmaids
:::wipes brown::: whew!
Posted by Allison at 8:23 PM 2 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentines, Dinner, Dogs, And ...
So, I've never been one to get all sappy over Valentine's Day, after all, it's mainly a commercial holiday anyway. Sure I used to like making homemade valentines to give to my friends and, many many years ago, having tea parties with close friends and our dolls. And on past Valentine's Days where I've had a significant other, I never really expected much, maybe just some time together or perhaps dinner. (Or both.) Chris and I even recently discussed how cheesy and lame it is for couples to get engaged on that particular day.
Well yesterday morning I woke up around 11ish and was just sitting on my computer "browsing the net" when Chris came in the room and was like, "Oh, I WAS going to go to Miss Donut-Bagel to get you some doughnuts for breakfast, but decided not to because I wasn't sure if you'd want them." To which I thought, what?! When would I ever NOT want doughnuts, and why are you telling me this anyway? To make me disappointed? I have to admit, I was a little annoyed. Afterwards Chris spent the next 8 hours in the living room playing video games in silence. I was thinking, wow for a boyfriend not only did he NOT wish me Happy Valentine's Day, he's not even talking! Around 7:15pm I went to the kitchen to make dinner. As my Valentine's Day present to Chris, I told him I'd try and make him a special dinner. So I made steak, mashed potatoes, corn, garlic bread, and chocolate mousse for dessert. As I was starting to cook the meal, Chris approached me and asked, "I'm going to Target. Did you want some chocolates or something?" What? Laaaaame. Now, at 7:15pm, he's ASKING me if I want him to go and get me some chocolates. Aren't you just supposed to GIVE them to some one as a ... you know ... surprise? "Sure ... uhh ... I guess. I mean if you want some." So Chris went to Target and I cooked. After he returned, dinner was ready and we ate (and it was actually good.) After I finished cleaning up Chris handed me a card in a red envelope and said excitedly, "Here's your card. I KNOW you didn't get me the same card this year, it's AWESOME." Hmmm ... maybe he'll redeem himself with this "awesome" card?" I opened it. It was ... cute. It was actually a card from the kids section with a picture of a stick figure dalmation on it. I was a bit confused because I didn't understand why he thought it was as awesome as he had been pumping it up to be. Then ...
"Oh yeah, there's something hidden in the closet for you too." Hmmm. I went to the closet and behind a stack of boxes found a really cute owl gift bag. I picked it up, and inside was the dvd '27 Dresses,' a cool picture frame, heart shaped post-it notes with owls on them, and a heart shaped box of See's Candies chocolates, handpicked. Mmmmm. Ok, he redeemed himself. As I was examining my loot, he added, "Oh and there's one last thing in the bookcase. Top shelf ... you have to look through your books." "Ummm ... okay?" I walked over to the book case, and began pulling out my books, one by one, and flipping through the pages. Finally, I took out a beautiful book I had gotten at my wedding planning conference, a pink suede covered book called "Colin Cowie's Extraordinary Weddings." I opened it and inside was a red envelope with a shiny plastic cover over it. Hmmm ... another card? I opened it. At first glance ... it looked like a gift card. But then I read it ...
After much squeeling and looking back and forth from the card to Chris, repeating in disbelief "what!?" like five times and asking "really?!" like three times, I finally said yes. :)
(Oh and yes Chris did actually try and make Valentine's Day start out as lame as possible on purpose so that I wouldn't suspect a thing, and it worked! :P)
Posted by Allison at 10:30 AM 3 comments