Friday, December 08, 2006

Barista to Bartender

So today I finally got my bartending training manuel so I can be a bartender at the Elephant Bar! What does this mean? It means that, a.) I'll hopefully be making alot more money, b.) I'll know how to make ALL sorts of drinks, and c.) I have to memorize about a MILLION different drinks over the next couple of days. (Yeah, "c" is the one I'm not really looking foward to, lol.) Oh well. I'm rather excited to extend my knowledge of drink making from espresso drinks to alcoholic ones! =)

This morning Sifu, (my Kung Fu teacher,) woke me up by calling me at 8:10am to see if I wanted to have a private lesson today! Unfortunetly, I had to decline because I had to work ... that and my calf muscle still hurts from pulling it during Tuesday's class.

Yesterday while I was at Chris', I watched 'E.T.,' a movie I hadn't seen in probably a decade! It was quite cute. Afterwards, I watched 'War of the Worlds,' which was pretty good ... although I'm still rooting for E.T.- definetly the cuter alien. :P

Well, I'm starving so I'm going to go stuff my face with whatever I can find in the pantry, good night all!