Friday, December 29, 2006

The Day of Bitches

Today in the mail I got a book called, "The Total Money Makeoever" by Dave Ramsey from my dad and Carolyn, (-AND a cd with a compilation of broadway musical songs!) While this book probably sounds boring to most people, I'm actually stupidly excited about reading it! I skimmed over it before work today and it looks to be full of usefull information, (AND in the section I just happened to read the author makes a reference to ROCKY!) Heehee. :P Anyhow, maybe this book will help me to avoid future financial woes. :D ALWAYS a good thing.

I also had to wait on (pardon me,) a complete and utter bitch at The Elephant Bar today. I was so pissed at one point that I was brought to tears. After she left, all the other servers were like, "Man, she seemed like a bitch!" It was her birthday. No wait- it was her DAD'S birthday. Does that give her the right to be a bitch? I don't think so. Then I got another table. Two snobby looking women- and OH- it was one of their birthdays. Ohhh goody. That was fun. And GUESS what happened after that??? ANOTHER birthday. I mean- what about birthdays makes people think they have the right to be a total rude bitch? (I'm just having fun using the word bitch right now because I never say it- can you tell?) Yeah. Today was the day of bitches.


Anonymous said...

I've been wondering about this book, you're going to have to tell me how it is. I've heard this guy on the radio and he always makes a lot of sense to me. I've also heard my youth pastor recommend this book to various people who are around our age, and struggling with college debt etc. Anyways, you must let me know how you like it, and I might have to invest in reading it myself. *grin*