Friday, March 14, 2008


The other night I had the weirdest dream ...

I dreamt that I was with my sister, Michelle, and Christy. We were at their (the Berry's) house, getting ready for a Halloween party that we were throwing. We realized that we needed some more food and decorations, so we decided to go to the store and Walgreens. Mr. Berry offered to drive us since he said he was planning on going into town anyway. So off we went. Things looked a bit different, (as they so often do in dreams,) but some things looked familiar and remained the same. As we were driving by AppleBee's on Stadium, we passed what looked like Michelle's dead and bloodied body laying on the side of the road. (Disturbing.) So we were all like, "What the? That looked like Michelle!" (of course we were extra dumbfounded because Michelle was IN the car with us.) We told Mr. Berry to turn the car around and nearly got broad-sided in the process because of the icey roads. (There were patches of snow and ice on the ground.) We drove by AppleBee's again, and there it was, Michelle's body on the side of the road. We were all extremely disturbed and panicked by now, so Mr. Berry starting driving us home. I looked back through the window at Michelle's body and suddenly she (the dead body,) got up and began to follow us. We returned home and ran inside the house, locking the doors. We explained to a really confused Mrs. Berry what we had seen, and then as we looked out the front window, we saw the bloody dead Michelle walking up the front lawn towards the door. Then, as if in a trance, Mrs. Berry walked to the front door and opened it, (as we all protested,) but there was a screen door. The dead Michelle (who now had dark brown hair,) was touching hands with Mrs. Berry through the screened door. Then Mrs. Berry began sobbing, as if it really "was" Michelle. After a moment, she opened the door and dead Michelle came in. I was huddled by the couch next to Erika, Christy, and the live Michelle. Dead Michelle came up to us and asked us to follow her in this really creepy voice. Live Michelle turned to us and said, "I think we need to follow her. If we don't, I'm afraid of what she might do to us." Reluctantly and quite panicked, we started to follow dead Michelle. Suddenly we appeared in "my" old neighbor hood, and we were in the side of the yard. The sun was almost set, and there was still snow on the ground. I looked down at the grass and saw that there were about 6-7 fresh looking graves in the yard. (No stones, just mounds of dirt.) Dead Michelle (who at this point didn't even look like Michelle, but instead some dark haired bloody ghost,) pointed at one of the fresh dirt graves. Suddenly the Berry's old dog Savahnna, (who has been dead many years,) came out of the dirt. It was weird. We all petted her and then she sunk back into the ground. Next the ghost led us to the back yard, where there was another fresh grave. The ghost turned to us and said, "this was a good friend of yours." A moment later a long arm burst through the dirt, and out came Leroy. He looked the same, except that his skin was gray. He looked at all of us and said, "I was getting so sick of that grave!" He turned and looked me in the eyes and continued, "but I've been worried sick about you guys!" BRRRIINGGG!!! At that moment, my alarm woke me up bright and early, 6am. I was mad that I woke up, because I wanted to know what else would have happened. But I was also a little creeped out ... I mean ... I don't normally like seeing my best friend as a dead body following us around showing us all our other dead friends ...


Ariel Manto said...

This totally reminded me of some dream you had a million years ago where I came after you with an axe or something. Except I think this was more disturbing.

Allison said...


Unknown said...

haha- great dream. Almost seems like it's telling us something...maybe like letting the past be dead for now...but not forever (hints the LeRoy) Also--love what he says, I can hear him saying it too.

I dont' like thinking of myself as a dead ghost leading people around. lathough I'm picture myself as the ghost from Three Spirits with my 'chains' haha.