Friday, March 14, 2008


Ok this might be a little too much information for some people, but for those of you women who are taking birth control pills, can I just say Planned Parenthood? I don't know about anyone else, but my health insurance, (even when I had GOOD health insurance on my dad's plan,) didn't cover this lovely ... err ... topic. For the past year and a half, I've been paying $37-$45 each month for my prescription monthly pills packet. PLUS a minimum of $75 just to see my doctor regularly in order to keep getting them. Well since I moved, the doctor I had been seeing previously for this reason is just too far of a drive. So this month I decided, (since I was due for an appointment to keep getting my pills,) to just go to Planned Parenthood just this once since I hadn't yet found a new doctor. Ummm ... can I just say that it was the best decision evAR because not only was the appointment free, but they gave me a YEAR'S worth of the exact same pills I had been taking for FREE. I will be saving $531 this year by not having to pay for them anymore. And I don't have to worry about getting them refilled every single month. SWEEEEEEET.


we rule the school said...

Planned Parenthood is pretty awesome.

Ariel Manto said...

I'm definitely going to Planned Parenthood this time.

Allison said...

Heck yes you should!!!! :P