Friday, July 11, 2008

Ohhhhhh Joy.

Saw 'Wall-E' last weekend and thought it was WAY cute, of course! It totally made me want to own my own little robot ... which ... would be WAY cool. Especially a cute one. Like Wall-e.

Am HIGHLY annoyed at the moment because the digital camera I ordered is NOT going to make it here in time before I leave for Missouri, like it should have. I bought it (on e-Bay,) on June 29th. My payment process through PayPal was complete by July 2nd, and for some asinine reason, the seller decided to wait OVER a week after he received my payment to ship it. I mean, half the reason I ordered the camera when I did was so that I could have it for my trip home! *&^$#@! Now it will arrive when I'm out of the state. Great.

I'm super tired for some reason and my head hurts.

I ordered a ticket to go see Chef Duff (from Food Network's show Ace of Cakes) in August so that'll be loads of fun, plus other celebrity chefs will be there and there will be tons of food and wine tasting. Yipeeee!

I want a Mikes Hard Lemonade right now, in the lime flavor.

I have too much to get done this weekend.

And ... blah.