Just got back from seeing the movie "Quarantine." Although a bit predictable, it was one of the better horror films I've seen in awhile. It was sufficiently nerve-wracking and I definitely had to pee my pants by the end. (Don't worry, I made it to the bathroom.) ... Barely. :P
Chris is purchasing a treadmill in order to get into better shape aerobically. I have to say, I am VERY excited by this! :P
No plans for Halloween yet, although I at least get to wear a costume to work at Starbucks on Friday! :D I'm stupidly excited to wear something other than the black or white polo and cap. Hahaha.
And ... I have yucky cramps. :/
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Random Wednesday Blahs.
Posted by Allison at 9:53 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Feelings of Utter Disgust.
Tonight I went to Michael's to get a few things. When I got there, I walked straight towards the Halloween section, (because what I needed would be found in the Halloween section.) So ... you can imagine my surprise and utter disgust when I found that, on October 22nd, the Halloween stuff had already been replaced with Christmas decorations. No more Halloween things ... BEFORE Halloween. SERIOUSLY mind boggling.
Posted by Allison at 8:46 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Meet Saya
Meet Saya, (pronounced SIGH-UH,) the newest member of the ... errr ... family! I bought her today at the Cal Polly Pumpkin Festival. I chose the name Saya, which is the name of a character from an anime series that Chris and I like, 'Blood +.'(It was hard to take a picture without blurriness because she kept moving!) She's an albino corn snake, which are apparently a very calm and friendly breed that like to be held. (Non-poisonous of course.) Right now she's really tiny, but once full grown will probably reach about 4+ feet.
What Saya will look like once she's a bit bigger ...
And yet bigger ... cute uh? And yes, I know that normal people normally leave with a pumpkin after going to a pumpkin festival, but I think that we have already established that I am not normal. :P
Posted by Allison at 10:59 PM 0 comments
The Pumpkin Festival
Today was the pumpkin festival at Cal Polly, which was a lot of fun. There was a huuuuge pumpkin patch filled with a seemingly infinite number of pumpkins, food and craft stands, face painting, games, corn mazes, horse rides, and a giant insect exhibit. While we were there I bought a container of SUPER yummy dried apples. Oh and a pet snake. :P (Pics and details in later post.)
This weekend has been great. Last night Chris and I lounged at home and played a fun game of Scrabble (even though I beat Chris by 32 points, hehehehe.) :P Then we spent like 3 hours playing this really fun computer game called 'Mystery Case Files, Huntsville.' So. Fun.
It was funny. Yesterday I got home from work before Chris, so I decided to surprise him with dinner by ordering one of the Tuscani Pastas from Pizza Hut. (We'd both been wanting to try them.) So I placed the order and the pasta arrived right on time, about 5 minutes after Chris got home. However, Chris had wanted to surprise ME with dinner, so he arrived with a bunch of yummy food from Arbys. Needless to say, there was definitely not a food shortage last night. :P
Posted by Allison at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Just For Fun ...
What Your Socks Say About You |
![]() You Are: - Quite charming - Of excellent character - A bit old-fashioned - Very gracious |
Posted by Allison at 3:26 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
30 Days of ... Teeth Whitening?
Chris and I just watched '30 Days of Night.' It was a spooky concept, especially seeing that Barrow, Alaska, (where the film takes place,) actually has 65 straight days of night November - January! But it could have been done better, and the female lead was pretty asinine.
I'm currently in the process of getting my teeth whitened. I had a much needed dentist apt. the other weekend and had a major discount coupon for the custom trays/whitening kit, but it huuuurts like a bitch!!!! Seriously I don't know if I can take it for another week/week and a half. :/
I beat 'The Simpsons Game' for the PS2 today- yaaaay! ;D
Next weekend Chris and I are going to a "pumpkin festival," woo hoo! I'm so stupidly excited. :P
I bought an awsome cake topper for my 'Nightmare Before Christmas' cake today, yipeeeee.
And now, I will away to bed as soon as I get the tray filled with death gel off of my teeth.
Posted by Allison at 12:09 AM 2 comments
Saturday, October 04, 2008
The Note
You know how in movies about high school kids they always show the girls (or boys) passing around a little piece of paper during class so they can write notes to each other? Well the other day, as Chris' class was dismissed, such a note slipped out of the back pack of one of his girl students. THIS is the actual note ... (And if you don't already know Chris' last name- it's Ruiz.)HAHAHA. Wow.
Posted by Allison at 8:45 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 03, 2008
It's Time ...
... to sound like an infomercial. :P I just wanted to say, that I LOVE acne.org! I've suffered from horrible bouts of acne off and on for the past 13 years shortly after I turned 12. And of course I've basically tried everything, from dermatologist prescribed creams, gels, and oral antibiotics to almost every acne product you can find in the drugstores. Well a few months ago back in May after doing more internet research I stumbled across acne.org, which is a very informative site and was created by this dude named Daniel Kern (a former acne sufferer,) who has devoted his time to creating products that work great and are CHEAP. All I can say is, if you suffer from acne, follow his "regime" to the T!!!! Because ... it works. The right side of my face earlier this year ...
The right side of my face today.
The left side of my face earlier this year ... (notice the big black spot on the left underneath my mouth, it's a giant scab that you couldn't see in the first picture.)
The left side of my face today. Woo hoo! OH and BTW, this pic was taken today, and I'm on my period. Now, you're probably thinking, why would I want to know that little piece of information?! And I say, because even when I'm on my period, I still don't break out!!! :P (Except for the occasional odd zit, of course.) :P
Posted by Allison at 2:30 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 02, 2008
One of the those Days!
This day started off on the wrong foot from the start.
- Toasty's food bowl was being swarmed by ants that came from some unbeknownst location. Poor Toasty.
- I couldn't spray the bowl, the plastic mat it was placed on, or the ground because Toasty would likely have killed herself in licking up the spray.
- I stomped the floor and cleaned out Toasty's bowel for ten minutes. Hence, I was ten minutes late in getting to the car.
- There was a multiple car collision on the freeway that closed down three of the four lanes.
- In an attempt to get to work on time, I jumped over a large concrete divider between the freeway and the exit I wanted to get to. Poor Mazda 6.
- I was late! And, both vice-principals were at the parking lot gate to greet me. Yay?
- As soon as I get to my classroom, someone pulls a fire alarm on campus. I realize I don't have any fire drill supplies because I'm now in a new classroom. And ... I have no idea where to take my kids during the drill, or what "approved" path I'm supposed to take to get there. Both vice-principals are there to greet me again.
- My morning Pepsi can - exploded!
- I just compared my new paycheck to last years - the amount I pay in taxes, union dues, and other deductions has now risen to 28%. Loverly? And, it will take three years to make back the money I spent on my MA.
- Oh, and because California's legislature took forever to approve a budget, that was due months ago, they haven't gone about financing the new budget yet. Basically, California doesn't have the money yet and if they can't take out loans - because of the credit freeze - they wont be able to pay any public employees, such as myself. So ... I might not be getting a paycheck as early as November first. Thanks California legislature.
- The lunch counter just ran out of change so I couldn't purchase a snack or a drink.
- But, the day can still make a drastic turnaround if McCain doesn't suspend his campaign. I'm very much looking forward to the Saturday Night Live feeding trough that will be the Palin-Biden debate. There's nothing quite like a candidate who doesn't have any knowledge of the Supreme Court or who believes dinosaurs and humans once coexisted.
Posted by Chris at 10:48 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
There's No Place Like Home ...
I just bought these. Jealous? I know I would be. :P I've wanted a pair of ruby slippers ever since I saw 'The Wizard of Oz' for the first time at like the age of 3. That's 22 years of ruby-slipper-wanting! :P
It is FAR too hot here in California to be October 1st. It was 97 degrees today ... what the hell? Although it's supposed to be about 72 degrees by Friday.
I got stiffed TWICE today at work. That SUCKS. Work SUCKS.
On the bright side, I may have my first official wedding cake "booking" for a wedding in July '09. Woooo hoooo! :D
Posted by Allison at 10:44 PM 0 comments