Ok, so for Chris' birthday on Wednesday I suprised him by cleaning/decorating his apartment. I had been planning it for months, and had bought lots of home decoration stuff, (I went with a Japanese/Oriental style,) to use. So I went over to his apartment Tuesday night, (I had asked Chris if I could come over on Tuesday night because I said that "my roommate was having a bunch of friends over", lol, not really.)Anyways, I needed to come over on Tuesday so that I could be there on Wednesday to decorate his place while he was at work. (I also told him that I had to work Wednesday night, heehee.)
The moment Chris left for work at 7am, I got up and began cleaning/organizing/decorating. I really enjoy doing that sort of thing. I MEANT to take before and after pics, but I forgot. GRRR on me. Anyhow, it took me about 7 hours to do everything, and it turned out really nice. Although, I was SO freak'in nervous all day long because I didn't know how he'd react. I was like, "What if he doesn't like it?" or, "What if he gets offended that I decorated is apartment without asking?" or, "what if he walks in and goes, WHAT THE HELL???" Well- none of that happened. He ended up liking it! :D Yay.
I also bought him Karaoke Revolution Party and Volume 3, which we played. I must say, Chris does a GREAT rendition of "Take on Me" and "R-E-S-P-E-C-T," heehee! ;)I also took him out to dinner at The Elephant Bar, which was yummy as usual.
So yeah, it's been a nice couple of days!
Writer's Block: I wanna be just like you
13 years ago
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