Saturday, November 25, 2006


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Ok ... I realize it's two days late ... but ... I was BUSY on Thanksgiving! And yesterday ... well ... I was STILL busy! :P

I hope everyone had a lovely day. I spent Thanksgiving with Chris and his family, (we went to his grandma's house,) where many more relatives were encountered. We sat, ate, drank, and chatted. Sounds lovely doesn't it? Actually, it really was! There was turkey, two types of ham, rolls, mashed potatoes, this maccoroni stuff, cranberry salad, this other casserole stuff, lemonade, coffee, and lots of wine. Chris' uncle was big on the wine ... I would barely finish my glass and he'd be pouring me another! LOL. And no, I didn't have ten glasses. I think I had about 2 and 1/2. But what was even better was that Chris finally had a couple glasses and was seeing Karaoke Revolution in his head. In fact, when we got home, the first thing he did was start playing Karaoke Revolution. In between songs he'd be like, "I'm sauced!" It was quite funny.

On a side note, I just realized that I forgot to have pie! Chris' aunt was passing out little jell-o cups with chocolate pudding and I had one of those, and then I totally forgot to have pumpkin pie. Geeeez.

On another side note, Chris just bought the eye cam thingy for PS2 which means we can put our own heads on the characters in Karaoke Revolution! I'm way excited about that. I told him we needed to take Toasty's picture and make a Toasty character. LOL.


Anonymous said...

I just spent two hours making a decent head with EyeToy, and it looks absolutely scary. :P

Can't wait until you make your own head. hehehe

Anonymous said...

Bre he he he, I had one of my first pieces of pumpkin pie ever. I didn't used to like it, but I think I'm coming around. It was pretty good if I do say so. I finally updated my journal by the way, I'm sure you'll be proud.