Lately, I've been so dang hungry! Only this time, it's not for food. I feel hungry to learn new things, it's like I have this gigantic urge to go out and learn how to do things I've never done before. I think part of the reason may be that I graduated from college a year and a half ago. And…when you take classes your entire life and then suddenly just stop…it's kind of a shock to the system! Although…I can't say that I have the urge to take classes like economics, accounting, and Middle Eastern history again. I'm talking more along the lines of the fun stuff! I mean, I'm no longer required to take certain classes, so now I can take whatever I want! Things like learning how to make pottery or learning how to cook. I tried a Kung Fu class the other day, and I think I might just have to stick with it! I really enjoyed it, (and being inspired to whoop some serious butt like Uma Thurman's character in Kill Bill has noooothing to do with it = P) I'd also like to learn how to play the guitar, play checkers, (so I can beat Chris one time! Heehee), remember how to make wax candles and Christmas ornaments, (because I used to actually be good at it,) learn more about photography – and oh! Learn how to make delicious home made bread! That's a very important skill to have indeed. AND really good home made cinnamon rolls. Yummm! Speaking of bread and being hungry to learn new things, I really AM getting hungry! Only this time…it IS for food! I'm off!
Writer's Block: I wanna be just like you
13 years ago
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