Today, I thought I was going to go blind in my right eye. This morning I went running before work, as usual, and about 8 minutes into the run a bug flew directly into my right eye. Now, normally when something gets into your eye, it stings a bit and gets a wee bit irritated. This however, felt more like a needle poking into my eyeball. Not only that, but the pain was so bad that I had to stop running. My vision in that eye was blurred for about 2 hours, it watered for about 2 and 1/2 hours, and my entire eyeball was sore. (Not to mention UBER bloodshot.) This whole eye deal made my nose run for the tire day. In fact, my nose is STILL running and my eye is STILL a bit sore. Blasted bugs!!!!
I've made more cakes this week then I've made in several years combined. lol. And I'm still trying to figure out the mystery that is learning how much batter to put in and how long to bake two 10" round cake pans. (I'm currently on my second attempt of the evening.) :P
Oh BTW Missouri folk, I might try and plan a small B-day party (aka as an excuse to get a bunch of friends together) while I'm home. I'm thinking on a Sunday ... perhaps ... July 20th? Hmmm ...
Writer's Block: I wanna be just like you
13 years ago
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