Friday, July 27, 2007

Oh Goody.

Chris and I just saw the movie '1408.' It was pretty good. Aside from the SUPER annoying teenagers that were sitting in the back of the theater being OBNOXIOUS.

On August 20th I'm moving out of my apartment. The rent just keeps going up and my two roomies who have lived there for almost 4 years can't even handle how outrageous it's getting so they're not renewing the lease. I won't be living with them because they are completely set on somehow buying a house in Santa Monica aaaand I'm not exactly ready to invest in some multi-million dollar home near the beach. Um yeah- not going to happen. Even though I'm not %100 sure where I'm going, (and therefore WORKING,) I'm glad to be getting out of that building. There has been endless construction going on NONSTOP for the entire year that I have lived there and ... quite frankly ... it's driving me INSANE. And the fact that as of Wednesday I have NO WHERE TO PARK because I'm no longer aloud to park in visitor parking. (I've been parking in visitor parking for the past year because I refuse to pay $80 A MONTH on a parking spot.) Soooo yeah ... not really sure where my car is going to be parked for the next 3 weeks.

Tomorrow is my birthday and I will be 24. Ohhhhh goody. AND I have to spend the day working at the Elephant Bar. Yay. Can't wait. (Can you hear the sarcasm just dripping from my voice? I hope so.)

Well- Chris just made some pizza so I'm going to go eat now. Mmmmm.


we rule the school said...

You can always move into an A-frame with Slimey!

At his house, it's always party-time!