Sunday, November 11, 2007

Short Rant

Today has been a lazy afternoon. Chris and I watched a rather awful zombie movie made in the 1970's called "The Messiah of Evil." LOL. Yeah ... it was bad.

I "was" going to paint today since it's my day off but right now I'm not feeling too inspired ...

Work is just continuing to go down hill. Last night I waited on 3 mexican teenagers who sat at my table (one of only TWO tables I had all evening,) for almost 2 hours. Their bill was $75. The tip they left me? ONE CENT. ONE f**king cent. Arrrrrgh I get a head ache just thinking about it. Have I mentioned yet how EXCITED I am to one day be able to start my wedding planning business? I mean I'm getting really, really excited with each passing day that I spend at the DAMN E-Bar.

I can't believe it's already almost Thanksgiving. Woah.


C. Berry said...

Ugh. That sort of thing is just uncalled for. I think I've NOT left a tip for a waitress precisely once in my life, and in that one case there was fairly obvious evidence that the waitress was inept, NOT that they were too busy, or the cook was inept, or whatever. It was just lousy plain lousy service. Usually everyone gets at LEAST ten percent and if they're good it goes up from there. If they're horrid, it can go down, but like I said, I think there's been only once when it went down THAT far.

If you aren't willing to pay a tip for service then go to a fast food restaurant. You know?

(And yay for painting? I'm super tired right now for some reason and I should do more writing...)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm the anonymous reader that told you how much I enjoyed your blog (I think I found you on a martha stewart recipe search or something)a few months back; anyways, I totally feel your frustration in not being left a tip. Waitresses work so hard and your salaries are so heavily dependent on your tips so I can understand your anger and pissed off state BUT is it really necessary to say that the patrons were "mexican"? Would you have specified the ethnicity of your customers regardless of their minority status? I have a feeling you wouldn't have. What I'm saying is, is that I don't think your racist but I also don't think its necessary to point out their ethnicity; why can't they just be cheap a-holes and leave it at that? Why can't we just treat people as people and get rid of the labels? Thanks!

Chris said...

Was it necessary for Allison to have mentioned the ethnicity of the teenagers? Probably not - few things in life are absolutely necessary. But, applying this train of thought to its logical conclusion, with the help of reductio ad absurdum, we can see that it was also unnecessary for her to include the exact number of people who stiffed her as well as their age bracket. In fact, it was even unnecessary for her to post an entry at all.

Putting that aside, the fact remains that Allison and the other waiters at the Elephant Bar tend to receive poor tips from Mexicans. That's a fact - not racism. Is she getting poor tips from African-Americans, Japanese, Vietnamese, or the elderly? No. As a group, it's the Mexicans who are providing the worst tips on a consistent basis. Are there exceptions to the rule? Yes. Does that lessen the impact, both emotional and economic, of the rudeness exhibited by the rest? No. Had Allison been complaining about her tips last year, she would have mentioned the elderly. Does that make her an ageist? No.

I'm Mexican, and the situation at the Elephant Bar is clearly embarrassing to me, but I'm not about to scold Allison for pointing out the reality at her job. Like Bill Cosby, I think it's about time we, as a country, start facing and dealing with uncomfortable truths.