This has been a very sad last week and a half for me. As you know from my previous blogs, Smacky was killed in a garage door accident. Then, this past Monday on New Years Eve, my precious Snickefritz passed away from kidney failure. :( I know she was old, but I really wish I had been able to see her one last time, especially since I'm coming home in two weeks. I'm going to post a blog with "my" memories of Fritz, but since it's late, (and I have to be up at 4:20am,) here's something written by my dad.
Snickelfritz Marshall
"Snickelfritz Morrison Berry Marshall passed away of kidney failure at her home in Columbia, MO just after sunset on New Year's Eve, December 31, 2007. She was 16-and-a-half years old. This unique feline was born during the summer of 1991 at the Columbia home of Dale, Paulette, Christy and Michelle Berry. Fritz's parents were Gadget and Morrison Berry. That her mom was half Siamese probably explained much of her loquacious nature.
Fritz's royal demeanor was believed to be the result of her breeding from many centuries past. She claimed to be a direct descendent of the royal household cat, Cleopatra Felinus, of Egypt's King Ptolemy XII. After the death of Cleopatra Felinus in 71 BC, the distraught king named his next daughter "Cleopatra" after the beloved cat. Cleopatra was to become queen of Egypt (69 BC-30 BC).
Fritz was still a kitten when she came to the Marshall household at 4308 Royal Aberdeen Street in early October of 1991, a few days after House Mistress, Debbie Marshall, was diagnosed with leukemia. The beloved (though infamous) feline then ruled the Marshall household at "4308" for the rest of her life. She always declared her supremacy over all other pets, residents and visitors. If need be, she would demonstrate it with her razor sharp claws. Though prone to occasional violent outbursts, she was also one of the very cutest and most vocal domestic cats to have ever lived on the planet.
Over the years, the personable Snickelfritz gained a multitude of nicknames, including: S-Fritz, Essie, Ripple, Ripplefritz, Ree, Noble Breed, Noble Beast, Warmy Softy, Warmer, Rrow, Hurrrr, Girrrl and Rosana.
She used up her eighth life in October of 2005, when though near death, she somehow survived a bout of kidney failure. After this, Fritz largely went into retirement. She spent most of her time indoors. Her favorite activities from then on consisted of having her long beautiful fur brushed, eating squishy cat food two times per day, and entertaining visitors. Fritz loved hearing their worshipful adorations. Unquestionably, her capricious personality mellowed over her last year of life.
Fritz's death followed by 9 days the accidental death of "4308" pet, Smacky Marshall, who died in a garage door accident. House Master, John Marshall, was still mourning the loss of Smacky when Fritz's health went into an abrupt decline. Though her death seemed imminent, Fritz maintained a remarkable dignity over her last few days. It is also perhaps ironic that her death occurred when it did-in the waning hours of the last day of the year. The Marshall house at 4308 Royal Aberdeen is under contract, and the closing date for the sale was just days away (1/22/2008). It is hard to imagine Fritz at any home except the one she spent her entire adult life. In a real sense, her death closes the "4308 Royal Aberdeen" chapter in the Marshall family history.
Her family and many friends will miss her dearly!!!
Fritz is survived by her home servants, John and Carolyn Marshall, and her former home attendants, Erika Marshall (Kansas City), Andrew Marshall (Kansas City), Allison Marshall (Los Angeles) and Jay Gengelbach (San Francisco). She is also survived by her two home pet subjects, Oreo and Toulouse.
After her death, Fritz was laid to rest in the "Royalty Section" of Aberdeen Memorial Cemetery, not far from the graves of some of her previous (deceased) subjects: Jen Marshall (1984-2000), Taffy Marshall (1990-1998), Suki Gengelbach Marshall (1989-2004), Little Dog Marshall (2004-2006), and Smacky Marshall (2005-2007).
In 2006, Allison Marshall presented her father, John Marshall, with a gift-- an intricate, incredibly realistic and beautiful needle-point portrait of Fritz. John Marshall considers it to be one of his very most prized possessions. The remarkable piece of artwork will be transferred to the new Marshall home at 1201 Sutton Drive, located one mile south of 4308 Royal Aberdeen, which is under construction and scheduled to be completed in about March of 2008.
1/1/ 2008 @ 0500"
Writer's Block: I wanna be just like you
13 years ago
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