Thursday, January 24, 2008

No Joking Matter

First of all, can I just say that the death of Heath Ledger made me very sad indeed? Because it did. He was a great actor, beautifully grungy in '10 Things I Hate About You,' and played a damn good gay cowboy. :::sigh::: RIP Heath Ledger.

And second, can I just say that I have had to write WAYYY too many RIP posts in the past 7 months? Enough with the whole dying thing already!!! :(

And thirdly, this whole Heath ordeal just confirms my childhood fear of The Joker. Besides the Blanket Monster and Martians (from Sesame Street,) one of the first things I can remember being afraid of was The Joker. I remember I had to have my mom check my closet every night before bed to make sure he wasn't there. Apparently, playing The Joker was so disturbing to Heath that he had trouble sleeping and was on prescription sleeping pills! According to the associate press, "The role as arch villain The Joker disturbed Ledger. He called the character a "psychopathic, mass-murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy." Yep. I think I might have to check the closet tonight ...