Tomorrow is my last shift at Starbucks. I am very excited. Let me say that again. I am VERY excited. Maybe I can actually start living like a normal human being again! I'll no longer have to get up at 3:45am and work every single day of every blasted week!!!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Wooo Hooo
Posted by Allison at 5:07 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
The Good Old Days
As I was walking through the park to the library today, there were tons of little children running around, rolling down the hill in the grass, tackling each other, ect. And then I began to think back to MY younger years ... and how it used to be so much fun to do things like rolling around in the grass and tackling others. And THEN I began to think of how retarded flirting was back then. I remember I had a crush on one of Andrew's best buddies who lived in the neighborhood. From the age of 7, (yes I know, it started young,) to the age of 12, he was my crush. And I remember our way of flirting was doing things like throwing dirt balls at each other's faces, tackling each other, pushing and shoving the other, etc. I mean ... ? I'm pretty sure that if Chris came up to me today and threw a big dirt ball at my face I wouldn't feel the same giddyness that I used to. :P
Posted by Allison at 1:15 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 26, 2007
What's YOUR "IQ?"
So I got a call from this MTV casting director who wants me to audition for this new game show called, "IQ," which ... basically sounds like Jeopardy. Of course I'm willing to make an arse of myself on national television, so I have an audition at 12pm tomorrow. Woo hoo!
I also got a call from a producer friend of mine today, who offered to give me his ticket to this private screening for the movie "Zodiac" (starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Robert Downey Jr.) for tomorrow night, (because he's going to be out of town and won't be able to go.) So I thought to myself ... hmmm ... I'd get to see the movie before it's out in theatres, it's free, and there's free cocktails ... sure, I'll go! :P
On my way to the library just now I encountered a kid with a MAJOR staring problem. He was probably around 7, wore glasses, and just kept blatantly staring at me! I started off walking behind him, and he had his head COMPLETELY turned around to stare at me, then I walked to the side of him as I passed, to which he turned is head and STARED some more, and then continued to stare at me as I walked on my merry way. I mean, GEEZ, I'd like to think that I was at least a little more subtle with my staring problem as a child! lol
Oh oh! Only ONE more shift at Starbucks!!! (Thursday!) Woo hoo!!! :D
Posted by Allison at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Ok ... now ... maybe I'm a little bit irritable because I didn't get much sleep last night but ... does the way some one types ever annoy anybody? Because the way the dude sitting next to me is typing is seriously annoying the crap out of me!!! He's like, POUNDING the keys. I mean honestly. You don't have to PUNCH the keys in order for them to work. Gahhhhh!!!
I also have really bad cramps and back aches right now ... perhaps another reason why I'm irritable ... AND it's kinda misty/rainy out ...
Hmmm ... I can see this blog is going no where good because I'm simply too consumed in the annoyance I'm feeling towards the POUNDING THE KEYS dude sitting next to me.
Maybe I'll say something more productive later ... lol ...
Posted by Allison at 1:21 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Tales from the E-Bar
Frozen Nipples
I approached the table of four, with two twenty-something girls, one twenty-something guy, and one 50ish man. "Can I get you started with an appetizer like our ginger soy calamari or our nui nui coconut shrimp while you're looking over the menu?" I asked. The pepper haired, 50ish man responded by looking me up and down, and, in a rather drunken sounding slur, said, "Yes ... your nipples ... frozen." "I don't think they're on the menu!" I said as I laughed uncomfortably. The other three sitting at the table looked at the 50ish man, (probably their father,) and also laughed uncomfortably. Finally, after they ordered their dishes which did NOT consist of frozen nipples, I was soon bringing out their food. "Is there anything else I can get you?" I asked. The frozen nipple wanting man took my hand and laid a big, slobbery kiss on it, all the while mumbling something I couldn't understand. Ugh, this is disgusting! I thought as I quickly drew back my hand. Later, to top the meal off, I asked if anyone wanted to try some dessert and Mr. Slobber Kiss Man motioned for me to lie down on the table. Ugh. Yuck. Check please!
The Three Shot Martini
Sitting at the table were two middle-aged mexicans, one man and one woman. I came over to the table and asked if I could start them off with something to drink as they looked over the menu. "A diet coke for me," the man responded, "but for the lady, a martini with a shot of vodka, a shot of gin, and a shot of vermouth." He said as he smiled sleazily. "He's trying to get me drunk!" The woman giggled as she returned the man an equally sleazy smile. Aaaaalrighty then. I thought. What a nasty sounding martini! But despite the nastyness, I brought out their drinks and some fiery kung pow shrimp quickly followed about ten minutes later. But when I brought the food out to their table, they were both gone! The only thing there was an empty martini glass. That's rather strange ... Then, about five minutes later, the couple returned from out of no where looking flushed, giggly, and a bit sweaty. Eeeeew! I don't want to know WHAT they were doing or WHERE they did it! Too much information.
My Favorite Customer
My favorite customer: a twenty-something dark haired guy who always comes in and sits at the bar while distracting me when I'm busy. I'm kidding. NOT my favorite costumer. Well one day, after sitting at the bar and downing six bottles of beer, a Bloody Mary, and who knows what else, he asks the hostess if he can be seated in my section along with a sober friend who was coming to meet him there. I told the host, "I do not want that guy in my section! He always bugs me to death." Well ... they sat him at one of my tables anyway. Ohhh goody. Over the course of the next hour, this drunken guy continued to make an ass of himself and embarass is painfully sober friend by saying things to me like, "I just LOVE you!" "We're going to be really good friends. No, I'm serious. We're going to be friends." "You are soooo sweet and midwestern!" "I've been sitting here watching you with your little ponytail bouncing from side to side!" "You're so beautiful!" And my favorite, "Do you have a boyfriend?" (asked about 4 times,) with my response each time being "Yes." And each time he'd say either, "Well ... I have a bunch of model friends who you could choose from. You haven't even seen them yet!" or, "Well ... you and your teacher guy should come to my bar and I'll give you FREE drinks!" Hmmmm. Thanks ... but no thanks.
One of the Most Annoying Orders I've Ever taken
"Can I get the Oriental Chicken Salad with no cilantro, eggs on the side, bacon on the side, wontons on the side, rice noodles on the side, no cranberries, and I want the chicken breaded instead of grilled, I don't want the iceberg lettuce that comes in the salad I want romaine and baby greens only, I want a side of oriental sauce and also some honey mustard. Fat free and on the side. OH, and I want the bacon in a seperate container so I can give it to my dog."
One of the Stupidest Questions Asked
"I want a rootbeer to drink. Oh! Can I get it in a glass?" To which I responded, "No. You can only get it in a bowl." Duh!
Posted by Allison at 1:44 PM 2 comments
Time Line

Posted by Allison at 1:21 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 16, 2007
A Sunshine-y Day
Ohhhh what a lovely day it is outside! It's currently 84 degrees outside, (although it says it feels like 81 ... which is still fine with me!) I think I'll take full advantage of the nice weather by going for a run in the park before I head off to work tonight. An excellent idea if I do say so myself.
Posted by Allison at 12:32 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! (Okay okay, I know I'm a day late, but who cares!) :P
Hope everyone had a lovely day of sappyness and chocolate-y-ness. I know I did! Well ... not so much the chocolate-y-ness ...
Initially for Valentine's Day I wasn't planning on doing anything since Chris and I sort of celebrated it on Saturday, (we exchanged our "gifts" and he took me out to dinner,) and we both had to work that day and we live at a bit of a distance from eachother. But then at the last minute I thought, Hmmmm. Maybe I should butt over to go see Chris after work on Valentine's Day and surprise him. Why yes, yes I think I shall! So I bought a red velvet cake and decorated the top of it with red icing that said, "I Love Chris," (yes, Valentine's Day calls for extra sappy-ness,) picked up a bottle of sparkling apple grape juice, put on my cute new leopard print top, my red and pink heels, and headed over. Soooo sneaky!
Unfortunetly, I sort of fumbled the cake as I was getting out of my car and smeared the icing all over the lid, so you really couldn't tell at all what it said.) Bahhh! Oh well. When I knocked on Chris' door, he took awhile to answer it. I feared that maybe since he wasn't expecting anyone, he might not answer the door. But finally, at last, he opened the door and I said sweetly, "Hi, I'm from the personal escort service that you requested!" Heeheehee. :D
Chris told me that when he peaked through the peak hole, he couldn't tell who was outside and he thought I was some mexican with bleach blonde hair wanting a date! LOL!!!! Soooo I successfully tricked him! (He's very hard to trick ...)
And THAT was my Valentine's Day!
Posted by Allison at 4:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 12, 2007
Decision Confirmed
So ... my decision to quit Starbucks was confirmed this morning when I got up at 3:45am (after only 3 1/2 hours of sleep because I had to close at the Elephant Bar,) and I showed up ON TIME at 4:30am, only to find no one was there. So I sat down in the cold, drizzly rain and waited. And waited. 5am ... still waiting. 5:30am ... still waiting. 6:00am ... STILL waiting. At this point my entire body was wet with the misty rain and my hands were freezing. Then at 6:15am a car with two girls, probably in there late twenties, pulls up. "Are you guys open?" They ask. (Despite the fact that we CLEARLY aren't open because all the lights inside the store are off and I'm sitting outside in the DRIZZLE. "No. We're supposed to open at 5am, but whoever the morning manager is today hasn't shown up yet." "Oh ... " the girl said, "Well we're just going to wait right here." She said with determination as she backed her car up into the parking spot. Are you kidding? I thought. I just told them we're not open, the manager isn't here, who knows WHEN some one will show up, and even if the manager shows up this very SECOND we STILL won't be able to open for another 30 minutes because we have to actually "set up" everything first. Now extremely annoyed, I just got up and walked off. Yep, I walked home at 6:20am after having waited almost TWO HOURS in the cold. I walked inside, put my pajamas back on, and went back to bed. (AFTER turning off my phone, of course. There was no way I was going to be awakened by some one calling asking me where I was after they decided to show up.) So yeah. This is the second time I have shown up to work and the manager hasn't bothered rolling out of bed. I am SOOOO puting in my two weeks notice on Thursday!
I'm also angry because sitting outside in the soggy cold for almost two hours seems to have made my illness relapse ... my throat and head are BACK TO HURTING after I was finally starting to feeling better over the weekend. It took me FOREVER to fall back asleep this morning because of my dumb cough and then I woke up like an hour later during a dream (in which I was choking,) because I was actually coughing. Grrrr.
On the bright side of things, Chris took me out to dinner on Saturday night and bought me a really cute cat calender for Valentine's Day. OH and he also bought me the season one dvd of Robot Chicken! I was SOOOO excited! :D
Posted by Allison at 1:52 PM 1 comments
Thursday, February 08, 2007
A Token of her Affection
Well, I'm back in California! I had a great time visiting my friends, family, and pets, (who I always miss being out here in CA ... )
As a token of her affection I'm sure, my sister left me with a lovely present! An illness. Sunday night I was suddenly hit with an awful headache and fever, which continued through all day Monday. Tuesday the fever was gone, but my throat began to hurt like a butt! Then yesterday, my throat hurt so bad that I literally wanted to cry every time I had to swallow, and I just had this pathetic sounding, whimpy dry cough that made me sound like I was faking being sick, LOL. I think I went through an entire bag of sore throat drops while traveling yesterday. To top it off, I woke up this morning unable to breath because of all the mucus that had decided to congregate in my throat and nose over night. You know those mornings when you're sick and you just have to run to the bathroom to cough up all that nasty green stuff? Today was one of those. AND now I can't taste the food I just bought at the grocery store. :( On the bright side, my throat feels much better now that I coughed up all that crap earlier this morning. :) (I'm sure everyone wanted to know about my green mucus and nastyness.)
Along with my current sickness, I seem to also be suffering from symptoms related to Cuh-ris withdrawl. NOT good. It needs to be cured.
Oh yeah, I picked up my car today. It's finally fixed! Yay! :) Although, it ended up costing $700. NOT yay. NOT YAY AT ALL!
Also, the weather outside today is simply wonderful! (Then again, maybe it's because I've been in Missouri's -3 to 15 degree wintery weather all week!) It's currently 67 degrees and sunny- perfect for mini golf! Now if only I had some where to go mini golfing and the money to do it at this moment ... lol.
Hmmm ... looking at the computer screen is making my head hurt. I think I must stop. Yes, I must.
Posted by Allison at 2:11 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Reporting from Missouri
Well, right now I'm sitting at home (in Missouri,) and it's currently -3 degrees outside! Brrrrr! Talk about coooooold! I knew it was a bad sign when I walked outside and after about 2 minutes my hair was already frozen , LOL.
But despite the freezing weather, it's been really nice to be able to see my family and friends. After arriving on Wednesday, I stayed with my brother and sister in Kansas City, where we carried on the tradition of renting AWFUL horror movies. This time, we rented "Dark Harvest 3." (After watching 1 and 2 first, naturally!) The movie completely filled our expectations by being as awful as we expected. :::starts talking like Goofy::: "It wasn't me, it wasn't meee, it was a scareCROW!" Hahaha! :P
Friday Michelle picked me up and brought me to Columbia. We've been spending all weekend taking pictures, hanging out, and watching movies. Last night Ana and Esther (along with their husbands,) came over and my dad made fondue. YUMMY.
Today my old college roomie Anna came up to visit, which was fun. She, Michelle and I went to the mall and shopped for a bit, hung out at my house, and then met Esther at Ruby Tuesdays for some dessert! I had been looking foward to that because Ruby Tuesdays has one of my favorite desserts ... WHICH brings me to my rant of the day ...
One of my ALL TIME FAVORITE desserts is at Ruby Tuesdays. It's a "tall cake" which comes in this giant sundae glass, (chocolate cake which is layered with chocolate mousse,) topped with oreos, vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, and caramel. SOOO tastey. So we show up at the restaurant and it APPEARS normal inside, (the inside is basically like Apple Bees ... actually the menu is alot like Apple Bees too ... ) and we sit down, and the first thing we notice is the crappy music that's playing. It's like ... elevator MUZAK. Which ... it has the decorative atmosphere of a sports bar, so WHY is MUZAK playing? Then, our waitress hands us the menus, which have COMPLETELY changed. It was as if the restaurant was trying to be all upscale or something. The prices went up, the portions got smaller, and the food items completely changed. At this point I was getting a bit panicked, because dessert wasn't even LISTED on the menu. So I asked for the dessert menu, and got handed this little piece of cardstock that was trying to look all fancy with like SIX desserts listed on it. Luckily, I saw "Tall Cake" listed. Of course I ordered it, (for my entire meal, because it's a HUGE dessert, one that I have NEVER finished, even when sharing!) The waitress brings it out, and first of all, it's no longer in a giant sundae glass. It's on this little glass SQUARE shaped plate. AND it was about 1/4 the size it used to be, (even though it was the SAME PRICE.) Soooooo dumb. I was SO bitter. Needless to say, I finished it all by myself with no problem. Grrrrrrr.
Posted by Allison at 11:34 PM 3 comments