Monday, February 12, 2007

Decision Confirmed

So ... my decision to quit Starbucks was confirmed this morning when I got up at 3:45am (after only 3 1/2 hours of sleep because I had to close at the Elephant Bar,) and I showed up ON TIME at 4:30am, only to find no one was there. So I sat down in the cold, drizzly rain and waited. And waited. 5am ... still waiting. 5:30am ... still waiting. 6:00am ... STILL waiting. At this point my entire body was wet with the misty rain and my hands were freezing. Then at 6:15am a car with two girls, probably in there late twenties, pulls up. "Are you guys open?" They ask. (Despite the fact that we CLEARLY aren't open because all the lights inside the store are off and I'm sitting outside in the DRIZZLE. "No. We're supposed to open at 5am, but whoever the morning manager is today hasn't shown up yet." "Oh ... " the girl said, "Well we're just going to wait right here." She said with determination as she backed her car up into the parking spot. Are you kidding? I thought. I just told them we're not open, the manager isn't here, who knows WHEN some one will show up, and even if the manager shows up this very SECOND we STILL won't be able to open for another 30 minutes because we have to actually "set up" everything first. Now extremely annoyed, I just got up and walked off. Yep, I walked home at 6:20am after having waited almost TWO HOURS in the cold. I walked inside, put my pajamas back on, and went back to bed. (AFTER turning off my phone, of course. There was no way I was going to be awakened by some one calling asking me where I was after they decided to show up.) So yeah. This is the second time I have shown up to work and the manager hasn't bothered rolling out of bed. I am SOOOO puting in my two weeks notice on Thursday!

I'm also angry because sitting outside in the soggy cold for almost two hours seems to have made my illness relapse ... my throat and head are BACK TO HURTING after I was finally starting to feeling better over the weekend. It took me FOREVER to fall back asleep this morning because of my dumb cough and then I woke up like an hour later during a dream (in which I was choking,) because I was actually coughing. Grrrr.

On the bright side of things, Chris took me out to dinner on Saturday night and bought me a really cute cat calender for Valentine's Day. OH and he also bought me the season one dvd of Robot Chicken! I was SOOOO excited! :D


Anonymous said...

Starbucks sucks! You should dump a bucket of "security guard" on whoever didn't show up.