:::sigh::: I can always tell when "that time of the month" is approaching. About 3 days before, my face always breaks out and I'm super hungry all day long. I truly have the symbol of "a period" on my face, what with the giant zit I just popped on my chin. AND I get sad and depressed for about one day. I'll be in the car driving and I'll start crying for no reason. BUT this doesn't happen all week long, it's just for the one day usually, like 3 days before. Does anyone else get these symptoms? lol. GRRRRR.
On the bright side, Chris and I are going to the LA County Fair tomorrow, so that should be fun! Mmmmmm I smell cotton candy already!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
The Pre-Period Dumps
Posted by Allison at 10:43 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
A First
Here's my very first attempt at oil painting that I did today- woo hoo! It's not a complete disaster, although it's definitely not a masterpiece either, lol. One of the things on my "list of things I'd like to do," was to buy an oil paint set and to learn how to use it! Soooooo yeah. Although, oil paints are a "major" pain in the arse to clean up- as I just discovered. :P But I'm excited to paint other pictures and hopefully improve a greeeeat deal!
Oh and BTW, I also beat the video game I've been babbling about, heeheehee.
Posted by Allison at 10:04 PM 5 comments
Sunday, September 23, 2007
End of the Night
After almost one week of play, I am just about ready to defeat Dracula in "Castlevania, Symphony of the Night!" Bwahhhh ha ha ha! (Only to soon start another game, the special edition of 'Marvel Ultimate Alliance' that Chris bought the other day.) :p
Posted by Allison at 12:22 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 21, 2007
Sad Update
My grandpa died during the night last night- very sad news. I didn't find out about it (that he had a lung tumor,) until yesterday evening so I was planning on calling today. Unfortunately I got another voicemail from Esther while I was out running this morning from 8:15am-9:30am informing me that he had already passed. Woah. Things happen so quickly some times. Very sad. :( Grandpa, you were loved and will be missed!
His obituary: "Buford Loren Lamb, 88, of Raytown Mo., passed away at Mission Springs Assisted Living on Thursday, September 20, 2007. Graveside services will be held at Floral Hills Memorial Gardens Saturday, September 22, 2007, at noon. Visitation will be held one hour prior at Floral Hills Funeral Home. Buford was born in Collins, Mo., to James and Rhoda Mae Lamb. He is preceded in death by his parents, all of his siblings, and one daughter, Debbie Marshall. He is survived by his loving wife of 64 years Margie; three children: Linda Enlow, Theresa Andersen and husband Bruce, Roger Lamb and wife Erica Valerie; six grandchildren, Erika, Andrew and Allison Marshall, Laura and Paul Andersen, and Christopher Lamb. Buford was a devoted member of the Faith Presbyterian Church. In lieu of flowers the family suggests donations to Hospice Care of Kansas. Buford was a wonderful and loving husband, dad, grandpa and friend. Our memories of him will carry us forward. Fond memories and condolences for the family may be left at the website www.dwnewcomers.com. (Arrangements by: D.W. Newcomer's Sons Floral Hills Chapel, 7000 Blue Ridge Blvd., KCMO 64133, at 816-353-1218)"
Posted by Allison at 12:01 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I just got a voice mail from Esther on my phone informing me of the news that they found a large tumor inside my grandpa's lung and he's not expected to hold out much longer. This makes me very sad. Especially since I can't be there. :(
Posted by Allison at 4:17 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 17, 2007
Lazy Sunday
This is a picture of the coffee cake I made yesterday, doesn't it look yummmmy? Because I can assure you, it was! (And still is!) Mmmmm you guys should try it. You can get the recipe at foodnetwork.com, although next time I make it I think I'm going to double the amount of streusel that I put in it. YUM!
Yesterday I spent almost the entire day playing the PS2 video game 'Castlevania, Symphony of the Night,' it was great! I hadn't played a video game in so long! I almost forgot what it felt like to have that raw thumb feeling from too much playing. :P (Although I didn't achieve blistering status, like I used to so many times before in the days of old, hehe.)
Now the question is: What do I do before work tonight? Something productive? Or ... video games ... hehehe ... :::starts wandering off::: :P
Posted by Allison at 11:08 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Impatient Kitty
This video just made my morning ... LOL. :P
Posted by Allison at 12:09 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 15, 2007
A 4-Course Evening
Chris and I are watching the movie, "Prairie Home Companion" with Tommy Lee Jones, Meryl Streep, and Lindsay Lohan. At an hour into the movie, so far neither of us are very impressed. It's not really what I expected ... it's mostly songs ... it seems pretty flat. However, a few minutes ago a joke was told in the film that threw Chris into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. Here goes:
Two penguins were standing on a hill and one penguin said to the other, "You look like you're wearing a tuxedo." The other penguin replied, "What makes you think I'm not?"
That's it. That's the whole joke. And Chris was red in the face from laughing over it. Ehem ... lol.
We went to eat a 4-course dinner at Black Angus tonight, it was delicious. I never eat steak, but the filet mignon I had was yummy! We also had a super sample appetizer, potato soup, steak with mashed potatoes and fries, and a huge piece of chocolate mountain cake with vanilla ice cream for dessert. Sooooo much food! Let's just say that I had to unbutton my jeans after "that" meal! :P
Back to the movie.
Posted by Allison at 10:39 PM 5 comments
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Quiz Time!
Following in Barf's foot steps ... the, "Which historical figure are you?" quiz.
Edvard Munch![]() Edvard Munch should paint your portrait. You are a very emotional person. You are always up for a good talk with one of your friends. You don't like to keep things bottled up. Often, you are friendly and outgoing, but that can change very easily to being introverted and cold. Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com |
I took the, "Which screwed up celebrity do you resemble most?" quiz. HAHAHA.
You most resemble Michael Jackson![]() You are different from most people. You don’t follow the social norms of the society you live in and live on impulse. You are an easy target for critics, but you don’t let their opinions get you down. You are cool on your own terms. Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com |
Would I get away with murder?
![]() ![]() | |
![]() | Minimal: You would most likely not get caught, but if you did, it would be due to technological developments arising after the case had gone cold. |
![]() | |
from QuizGalaxy.com |
Posted by Allison at 6:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 10, 2007
Random Things
My first week at the new Elephant Bar has been going alright so far. Management is really nice, the workers are nice, and the restaurant seems to run pretty smoothly for the most part. However, people out here in West Covina don't tip "nearly" as well as they did in Burbank! Although, my shifts here have been longer than they were in Burbank and I've been getting scheduled 6 days a week as opposed to 5, so I guess it evens itself out.
Well, I told my dad that I moved in with Chris, (my dad is not the type of guy who approves of living together before you're married,) because I thought it would be better for me to just tell him rather than lying about it and having him possibly find out from some one else. He reacted pretty much how I expected, (although he specifically said he wouldn't quote any Bible verses.) He simply said that he "was" a bit disappointed because he believes it's morally wrong, but he also said he really respects me for telling him the truth and he thanked me for doing that. Wew, glad that's over with!
Last week I made a dessert called Brown Sugar Chewies, and they were sooooo good! (Especially topped with vanilla bean ice cream!) They were so easy and quick to make, you all should try them! (The recipe is on the link.) Mmmmmmmm yummy. :P
Chris has really soft cheeks, so I call him "cheeks." :P
Posted by Allison at 12:11 AM 1 comments
Friday, September 07, 2007
End of Week, End of Argument
So if you're reading Chris' blog below and are worrying that we've broken up you can rest assured that we haven't. :)
Last night we sat down and talked about Chris' blog and the whole argument that we had been having. From simply reading the title of Chris' blog, you can see that he felt under appreciated. The funny thing is, is that he had been mad about something for several weeks, and he didn't even know "why" he was mad because he never really thought about it until yesterday. Even "I" could tell he was mad about something during the past couple of weeks, (I knew it was a bad sign when Chis snapped at me twice for petting Toasty!) So since he was mad about something, basically everything else I did just seemed to make him more angry. Hehehe, last night Chris admitted that it was unfair that I had to find out about it through a pen. :P
So, if your friend or significant other seems mad for days on end, they probably are and might not even know why. This is why you should ask them what's bothering them to prompt them to think about it so that you can resolve the situation before they end up blowing up over something like a nice pen ...
We did decide to nix the name calling. If we're in the apartment and another argument breaks out, if it starts to get to the point of yelling and name-calling, we have to take a time-out ... and sing a couple songs on karaoke revolution. :P (And if "I" am extra worked up I might even have to watch a couple Donald Duck cartoons during the time-out, those always make me feel better! lol) And if we're "not" in the apartment when an argument breaks out, we still have to take a time-out. At least for me, during the time-out I'll write out a list of my "points" or things that are bothering me.
Relationships are like cars; they require routine maintenance. If you don't maintain your car, you're going to end up with a whole lot of problems all at once, which will be overwhelming and expensive. After reading the long list of things in Chris' blog, for me it was basically like taking in my car for a simple oil change and then finding out that there's about 10 other things that are wrong with it! Yes, it was overwhelming and if our relationship "was" a car, it would have been expensive.
And ... I have to work tonight. Blah.
Posted by Allison at 11:28 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Chris' Long-winded "I want some respect and appreciation" Rant
Am I really a bleeping jackass? At least that's what it's looking like these days, with blog posts that exclude what I've had to go through - such as being called a bleeping jackass multiple times.
As John and company have pointed out, candy wrappers and flung pens don't amount to the exasperating anger I'm feeling at this point; although, I'm still not very pleased with having my most expensive pen (a Christmas present) flung backwards, possibly hitting the glass screen of my very expensive television, a present to myself after years of watching TV on a cracked 13 inch television.
This summer, I've given up so much for Allison - too much to endure what's going on at present.
1) The trip to Missouri - I missed several job interviews and turned down a job offer at a school which pays significantly more than any of the public schools in the area. The job would have begun the week Allison and I visited Missouri.
2) I invited Allison to move in with me when her lease was up. She was stressing out about her cost of living in the heart of Los Angeles, especially with the rent going up, the cancellation of visitor parking privileges at her apartment complex, and the $250 dollar charge for a single parking spot. On top of that, her money was stolen at the Elephant Bar several weeks ago - about the amount she sets aside for rent each month, so that didn't make things any better.
My invitation to her to move in was a very big deal. I've lived alone for several years, meaning I have my own way of doing things, and I like them that way. For example, when I get home after a hard day at work, I like being able to grab a soda, sit down on the couch, and either watch the news or listen to some music - none of which I've done much of lately.
Well, you would have thought that I was offering her a death sentence. Despite the fact that I was offering her the opportunity to live at my place at no cost, and providing her with her own dedicated parking spot, and abundant space for her things, I had the offer thrown in my face like garbage. What followed were a million reasons why where I live was beneath her, and why it was okay for her to move in with Roger, but not me.
3) A few weeks ago, I went from having no teaching position offers to having five! And, not only did I have five, but they were all within easy driving distance to an Elephant Bar - because I was accepting interviews only for positions that would allow Allison to continue working at the Elephant Bar - this is very very hard when there are so very few of those restaurant in not only LA and San Bernardino County, but the rest of the country.
Now, one of the teaching positions was in San Bernardino, which is the heart of San Bernardino County, an infected, pestilent, violent heart at that. To give you an idea of what San Bernardino is like, it is composed of people who moved East out of South Central Los Angeles and Compton - the parts of LA that end up on COPS and movies about violent crime. I was afraid to stop anywhere, or roll down my window for fear of death. The school I was going to be teaching at if I accepted the position was so low performing that the state was threatening to shut them down unless they improved soon. Their best students were performing worse than my worst students from last year. A simple comparison of scores would be 626 to 922 on a one-thousand point scale. And, I found out that at least 96% of the people living in the area were living far below the poverty line. Let's be honest, poverty is closely related to crime, gangs, and violence. Did I want to be teaching in a violent environment? No. (More English teachers are killed by students than other types of teachers).
Nevertheless, Allison lobbied strongly for just this option. To her, the wonderful housing, in the nearby cities of Redlands and Loma Linda, and the added combat pay for my position more than justified working in such an environment. And, it justified my having to drive about two and a half hours to work each morning, at least for the first two months of work.
To make matters worse, one of the positions I was being offered was for Junior English - American Literature, all AP and Honors courses at Hollywood High AND during their magnate (super smart and motivated) track, as they have various tracks since they run year-round. This position was a DREAM. This position still is my dream, and the dream of every English teacher out there. For those who don't know, positions like this are impossible to find. Most teachers in California wait their whole lives for a position like this, accumulating enough experience points working at the same school for decades. When you have enough points, you can request to fill a good position at another school in the district, or you can fill a vacancy at your own school. How often do you think those positions are vacated? Never. They are vacated when someone either dies or retires.
Did Allison support me? No. She didn't even try. Erica was there when I got the job offer. She saw how offensively selfish Allison was about the whole thing. Allison didn't want to live in or near Hollywood High and that was "that." All she cared about was herself. At no point did she ever even show a shred of understanding, sympathy, or support and instead lobbied me to work in Gangland. It's true that I dislike driving through the middle of LA, dislike parallel parking, wasn't very excited about a lengthy commute, and that housing in the Hollywood area is far more expensive than what I'm paying right now - all good reasons why I may not have wanted to accept the position at Hollywood High. However, Allison is the primary reason why I turned down the dream I've been holding onto for five years, the dream I'll likely be holding onto for at least two more decades of futility.
4) Flash-forward a few weeks. I gambled on a job offer and secured a position teaching 10th grade at a high school that is neither outstanding nor bad. The school's about 12 miles West of my current apartment, or an hour away, regardless of whether I take the streets or freeway. Anyhow, I was very excited to land this position because it meant I could stay where I was for the moment. I wouldn't have to move while trying to grapple with being a new teacher at a new school; I wouldn't have the stress of resettling while trying to study for my Masters exam; I wouldn't have to be hours away from my university; and I wouldn't have to move away from my father, who I drove to and from the hospital during his heart attack ordeal and recovery.
Nevertheless, as with my opportunity to pursue a dream, Allison didn't care about my concerns whatsoever. All that mattered to her was finding a new place, particularly one with a fitness center. But, not only did she want to move so bad, she went around with her passive aggressive attitude mentioning here and there how bad my place was. For a fitness center, she wanted me to pay several hundred dollars extra a month, spend extra time driving to work, and inconvenience myself in all the ways listed above. So ... I helped her with her search. In fact, I was the one responsible for being serious about finding a new place. I spent days searching online, and finding apartment guides at convenience stores, printing off prospective apartments, their addresses, and directions to those places.
5) Now that Allison's moved in - because she hated my Sealy Posturpedic Twin mattress, I bought a Queen size bed for nearly $700 dollars, and spent ample time looking for that mattress so we could get the best deal. The usual price would have been $1,012 dollars.
This is what I've received in return for what I've given up.
1) Allison rearranging everything and getting huffy when I ask where my things are.
2) Allison practically telling "me" where I can and cannot feed my own cat (i.e. the counter).
3) Allison telling me it's okay that I only save about 1/7th of my salary each month because I "make more" than her.
4) Rude, piss-contest-like behavior.
a) I complain about how cold my shower was, she responds by saying only that hers must have been colder earlier in the day.
b) I complain about how much I spent at the mechanic, and all I hear is how much worse it was for her, and what a genius she was for buying her own cabin filter.
c) I talk about how tired I am having to get to work by 7:30 am, when the drive is terrible even without crashes, blackouts, or road construction. All I hear is how much worse she had it for working at Starbucks, regardless of the fact that she did not have early shifts five days in a row, as I do, or have to drive so far to get to Starbucks in the morning.
5) Rude-behavior just for the sake of being rude. For example:
a) When my pen is flung, the response is not, "Don't mess with my nose." But, something to the effect of, "Oh, it's completely okay and I would never feel bad, never, about something as lame as your pen. Your pen is stupid and since you used it it can't even be expensive." What? It's one thing not to be sorry, another to be flagrantly offensive and proud of what you did.
b) My shirts - (the ones I like and not the ones that should be thrown away), the bed sheets, the pillow cases, and the towels have been bleached different colors by the face cream Allison uses. Her responses have ranged from screaming at me that it's not her make-up (this is maddening since no one believes it was make-up and we both know it was the face cream), and stomping out of the room. Not until yesterday night did she finally admit it was the cream. And again, what did I get after that - that I should be thankful I don't have to use that cream. I completely understand that she needs that cream, but when my things get irreparably harmed, I expect something better than being shouted at about make-up, or being told that I should be grateful I don't have to use the cream in question.
c) When I've brought things up in the past few weeks that she didn't feel like thinking or talking about, she's turned her head away, mumbled something under her breath, and then pretended like I never even spoke to her.
d) She's pretended to be asleep during the day only to start arguing and cursing at me the minute I need to go to sleep. I do not appreciate having to go to work on the first official day of school with only five hours of sleep. Five hours is enough to get by the day, but not enough to interact with and teach almost two-hundred students at a school whose policies and curriculum I haven't yet learned.
e) She's complained on and off that I'm a pig because she found grease in the bottom tray of my fridge. (She ripped my hot dog packaging and allowed that grease to settle in the tray without cleaning it up.)
f) She's complained about my stale bread and then discovered that there was a tear in the plastic wrapping. That tear was not there before she moved in. And, now the set of hamburger buns I bought this weekend has a tear in it too! I wonder how that tear got there when I hadn't touched the buns until last night, when I discovered the tear. If you're going to complain about my stale bread, it would be nice if you didn't tear the packaging.
I'm really very mad that I've given up so much, only to be faced with rude and thankless behavior in the place I call home.
Allison is the first girl I've ever asked to move in with me, the first one I've bought a bed for, the first one I've jeopardized my career for, and the first girl I've ever put ahead of my own personal dreams. And yet, she's perfectly okay being rude and disregarding not only my needs, but my dreams.
Posted by Chris at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Am I a Bitch?
You decide, because Chris certainly thinks so.
Monday night, I was laying down on the floor watching tv. Chris had a pen in his hand and decided to try and stick the pen up my nose. Automatically, I batted the pen away from my nose, causing the pen to fly out of his hand and onto the carpet. (Chris likes to point out that the pen "bounced off the remote" before it hit the carpet.") He immediately began to get huffy because he then pointed out, ("after" trying to stick the pen up my nose,) that it was an expensive pen, that I could have broken it. He told me that I should be sorry because I could have potentially damaged his pen(there was no damage done,) and was quite outraged when I said I "wasn't" sorry. When I explained "why" I wasn't sorry, he started raising his voice and called me a "---- bitch." Allow me to explain why I wasn't sorry.
1. I had no idea the pen was "expensive" when he tried to stick it up my nose.
2. I didn't intentionally try to damage the pen. When some one tries to stick a pen up my nose, my first instinct is to bat it away.
3. Chris has tried sticking his fingers up my nose MANY times before, and he knows I don't like it. I always swat his hand away. So WHY would he try to stick his "expensive" pen up my nose in the first place?
After I explain these reasons to Chris, he says that they don't matter. That "it's not the point." He says that regardless of my reasons, I should still be sorry that I could have potentially damaged his nice pen. In fact, when I told him the above reasons for not being sorry, he said I'm "so proud of my actions." That I'm "proud" to act like a bitch.
Well, the topic got brought up again this evening because Chris was like, "I got you something, if you behave." (Which started us arguing over it again because I didn't/don't see my behavior over the pen fiasco as "misbehaving.") The more I would explain why, the more angry Chris got. He must've called me a "fucking bitch" close to ten times. According to him, he called several people earlier today and they all agreed with him that I was acting like a bitch. He was like, "no wonder everyone thinks you're a bitch!" Finally, after lots of arguing and getting no where, I got so frustrated that I went into the bedroom and laid down on the bed for 3.5 hours. I didn't want to talk about it anymore. When Chris walked in, I pretended to be asleep so we wouldn't start arguing again. Well at 10:30pm when he came in to go to bed we started arguing- again.
Some one please tell me, should I be sorry that I could have potentially damaged his pen? Because right now I'm not. And I don't appreciate him calling me a "f--king bitch" over and over. He also brought up other things (which I won't go into because I'm too tired,) but the point is, is that Chris doesn't think I know how to take responsibility. I ate a nutty bar yesterday on the couch and set the wrapper down on the floor when I was finished. I planned on throwing the wrapper away next time I got up, but Chris ended up seeing it on the floor, (and was quite outraged,) and threw it away himself. He seems to think that I put it on the floor "knowing" it was going to get chocolate on the carpet. When I explain to him that, a.) I would NOT have set it down on the floor if I knew it would make a mess, and that b.) I "was" going to throw it away when I got up, he says I'm just making excuses.
Now because of tonight Chris thinks I intentionally like to argue right before bed and that I don't want him to get any sleep. That I always would mention how I used to get only 3 hours of sleep when working at Starbucks so that it makes "his" not getting any sleep okay. (I may have mentioned my sleep deprivation because of Starbucks a few times in the past, but I haven't said that it makes "his" not getting enough sleep okay.)
Ummm, help? Opinions? And no matter the situation, I don't appreciate my own boyfriend calling me a "fucking bitch" over and over again. I have no desire to talk to him after that. "Am" I a bitch? I'll let "you" decide.
Posted by Allison at 11:39 PM 7 comments
Monday, September 03, 2007
Self Diagnosis
Well I got through my first day at the new E-Bar today, and it actually wasn't as hellacious as I thought it would be. I got the hang of things really quickly so it wasn't too bad. And this E-Bar is only about 12 minutes away as opposed to the one I was working at in Burbank, which took a "minimum" of 45 minutes to get to.
Chris and I watched 'Labyrinth' yesterday, and the restored picture quality was eeeeexcellent! I was very pleased. Plus, there's a nice long documentary "behind the scenes" special feature at the end which has some really interesting parts, including some hilarious outtakes!
For many many years I've always had occasional chest pains every so often, and Andrew and I used to jokingly call them "heart attacks," (because he said he had them too on occasion.) In addition I've always had the occasional blackout/dizziness after standing up. Well in the past couple weeks, the whole dizzy/blackout thing has become a lot more frequent. Especially with the heat outside. Yesterday nearly "every" single time I stood up it happened. So I decided to look it up online out and I think I may have diagnosed myself, lol.
I came across a page on a condition called Orthostatic Hypotension which seemed to fit all my symptoms to a TEE. Symptoms of this disorder include; chest pain, (check,) trouble holding the urine, (everyone knows how often I have to pee :P,) impotence, and dry skin from loss of sweating, (I sweat a crap load.) Hmmmm. Interesting. Anyhow this problem can be caused by a number of different things which I won't go into right now because I'm too lazy and the link is just above if you're really interested in knowing. :P
Time to prepare myself to go running in the 99 degree weather. Woot woot!
Posted by Allison at 4:27 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 01, 2007
It's Hot.
I start work at the "new" Elephant Bar on Monday- Labor Day. Which ... will be extra special because my very first day at the new restaurant will be one of the absolute busiest days there is ... which means that ... it might suck getting slammed at the restaurant when I won't know where anything is. I work 6 days next week.
It's been hot outside lately. Yesterday it was 103. I haven't been able to work-out much because it's been too damn hot to run/hike outside. Oh well.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that as a "house warming gift" for when I moved in, Chris bought me the special edition of the 'Labyrinth' dvd. Yaaaaaay! I'll have to watch it soon ... I could go for a little Goblin King.
I painted a picture today. I'm excited because I just found out that there's a Color Me Mine about 15 miles away in Chino Hills- I'm totally going! :D
Posted by Allison at 8:27 PM 0 comments