Here's my very first attempt at oil painting that I did today- woo hoo! It's not a complete disaster, although it's definitely not a masterpiece either, lol. One of the things on my "list of things I'd like to do," was to buy an oil paint set and to learn how to use it! Soooooo yeah. Although, oil paints are a "major" pain in the arse to clean up- as I just discovered. :P But I'm excited to paint other pictures and hopefully improve a greeeeat deal!
Oh and BTW, I also beat the video game I've been babbling about, heeheehee.
Writer's Block: I wanna be just like you
13 years ago
Happy trees!
I think your painting looks very fantastic and think you have great skill painting
Im good at pencil art, but no good with paint or colors
some of my work
Hey. You can use Windsor & Newton's water mixable oils. They are trad. oil paints, but don't require turpentine or any solvent. They can be cleaned up with water and soap. :o) Happy Painting!
Ah, Hello
Ma pen name is "Zenislev",
Anyway, thanks for the painting, it's very "Vondervul", keep it okay, dat "help" ta finishin ma chores, u know, I'm on a rush now!
see ya! next Time!
It's great, I do pencil & paper and some acrylic.
Now I just need to find out how to upload pics from my camcorder to my laptop lol.
Great work, keep it, leave a comment on my site xD
Thanks ^.^
Can you help me upload the pic? lmao.... first camcorder x)
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