Friday, October 27, 2006


Right now I'm currently sitting in the library reading ghost stories ... (well ... technically I'm taking a break and writing a blog ... but I WAS reading ghost stories!) With Halloween only days away, there's many different ghost story/Halloween related books on display right now, so I figured, "Why not? I could go for some chilling ghost stories!" Unfortunetly, I haven't read any that have "chilled" me yet. Now adays, I'm just too damn hard to scare! I feel like Martin in 'The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out about the Shivers,' when he says, "I wish I could get scared!"

The last time I truly got scared was two years ago when my dad gave "The Haunted St. Louis Tour." We visited many different "huanted sites," including the Lemp Mansion, which is considered one of the "Top 10 Most Haunted Houses in America." That was pretty cool. We also went to see various grave sites, and stopped by this site out on the railraod tracks where a whole car full or teenagers got hit and killed several years ago. In addition, we visited the actual hospital where the demon possessed boy that "The Exorcist" novel and movies were based on had his exorcisms performed, and we stopped by the Church where they took the boy first. After visiting several other places (at night of course,) we returned home only to watch the movie "The Exorcist." Needless to say, when it was all over, I was thoroughly creeped out when I went to bed and began hearing scratching sounds in the attack, (the same sounds that the real family AND the family in the movie of 'The Exorcist' heard in the beginning right before their child was possessed.) NOT cool.

I don't know WHY I like getting scared occasionally ... maybe it's the adrenaline rush, LOL. If I'm lucky, maybe some good, scary movies will be playing on Halloween that I can watch ... of course ... I'm rarely scared by movies these days either!


Anonymous said...

I think that Andrew and I currently have "The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers." Several months ago we used it for our short-lived string of "Dinner and a Movie" events (like, the kind of short-lived where it only happens once).

Oh so many mashed potatoes were eaten that night.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and that was me, Esther, that just posted.

Allison said...

I'm soooo jealous! I could have totally went for watching 'The Boy Who Left Home to Find out About the Shivers' yesterday! And mashed potatoes are essential for watching ...