Saturday, October 07, 2006

My First California Stalker!

At the DMV on Thursday, I finally had my first experience with harassment…literally. Here's how it all went down:

I arrive at the DMV to FINALLY pick up my license plates, but of course, there's a million other people waiting to take care of business, so I'm told the wait will be about 45 minutes. I think, "I've already come this far, what's another 45 minutes?" So I grab my little ticket that reads B259, (I remember that because I spent a lot of time looking at that ticket, LOL.) Anyways, almost immediately after I sat down, this dude comes and sits in the chair next to me. He looks like he's in his early 30's, has tan skin and dark hair, (maybe Middle Eastern…), and he's several inches shorter than me but seems to be quite built. He smiles and greets me by saying, "How are you?" To which I reply, "Fine thanks, you?" "What's your name?" He immediately asks. "Uhhh…Allison…." After several long seconds of silence, he quietly mutters something. "What?" I asked, not hearing what he just said. "Are you single?" He asks a bit louder. I smile, saying, "No I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend, fortunately." Now, you would think that after me informing him that I have a boyfriend, he would lay off a little bit. Yeeeeah … NOT the case. "Can I have your number?" He asks. "Uhhh…no. I don't give my number out to strangers, and I have a boyfriend." Looking a bit frustrated, a persists by asking, "Can we meet at a restaurant?" At this point, I'm beginning to get slightly annoyed, and I answer, "No thanks." To make this story short, let's just say that for the next 45 minutes, this guy preceded to ask me for my number, (or shall I say, BEG me for my number,) at least 15 more times, asked me if we could either meet at a restaurant or his HOUSE at least 5 more times, asked me where I lived several times, where I worked, where "I go," where "I drive," and where "I hang out." Oh and what movies I've done. "You're a movie star? What have you done? What did you play? What is it called? You're soooo pretty!" Oh dear God. After 45 minutes of this nonsense, he finally gets his number called and he gets up to go to the counter. "Phew!" I think to myself, "Finally!" Shortly thereafter, my number gets called as well, and I go up to get my plates. When I'm done taking care of business, I look around the DMV as I'm leaving to make sure this freaking guy had left and wasn't watching me leave. Well … too late. He's already waiting for me outside, where he's smoking a cigarette. After asking me for my number again, and if we could go out again, and if we can have a "deep friendship" again, (to all of which I say NO), he then asks if he can drive me to my car, which is parked a few blocks away. "No thanks!" I say as I begin to walk faster. "Well," he tries desperately, "can I walk you to your car?" At this point, I'm ignoring him and just walking as fast as I can so that I can get the hell away from this stalker! And all the while, he continues to ask if we can go out for coffee "right now," (even though I've already mentioned that I'm going to Orange County right now…and of course he offered to DRIVE me there!) When I finally reached my car, he asked me for my number again, to which I responded – well … I'm pretty sure you can guess what I said. He ended up frantically writing down his name and phone number on a piece of paper, thrusting it into my hands, and asking me about 5 times, "When are you going to call me?" "Well, have a good day!" I ignored. "Can you give me a ride back to my car?" He asked, "No." Gahhhhh.


Anonymous said...

That's it, you need to get yourself some Mace deary. What a freak.