Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Some Where in Between

I'm a dork, and I proudly wear that title like a satin pageant sash draped across my chest. I'll spend hours watching Donald Duck cartoons and looking for Disney Cartoon Classics on E-bay. I can quote an entirely too complicated scene from the movie Space Balls word for word, and have several movies memorized, literally. I subscribe to mailing lists that cover both cooking and meteorology. I've spent entire nights playing Super Mario Karts and Donkey Kong, (and yes, I managed to find all the gold DK coins = P). I spend hours cross-stitching like a grandma, snort laughing like a pig, and playing the piano, (when I have one.) Oh, and I've just added taking Kung Fu to the list, so now I'm another bad ass wannabe, lol. Get the picture?

By most people's standards, (at least the ones in Los Angeles,) I'm not that "cool." I don't know one designer brand from the other, I don't watch 'The OC,' and I don't go clubbing. I'm not ridiculously knowledgeable about foreign films, and I could probably be referred to as a "music blonde" because I don't know all the hottest new music artists out there. (I spend more time listening to 80's music, soundtracks, and things like that.) I can't tell you the four corner stones of hip-hop without looking it up on google first, and I don't like spending hundreds of dollars on an expensive purse. According to LA standards, very not cool.

I'll occasionally indulge in random little things to further my dork quotient, such as playing Tetris on my boyfriend's cell phone, (and yes, I want that game for my own phone now, LOL,) calling place after place to see if they have the Karaoke Revolution volume 3 game for Playstation 2, and attempting to save money so I can go on that much anticipated storm chasing tour. Before I moved, I also used to love attending and hosting game nights and theme parties, with themes such as Dracula, La Boheme, 70's Disco, Mortal Kombat, and Moulin Rouge. And let's not forget the Star Wars laser tag party I hosted for my 15th birthday! (Or the R2-D2 costume I spent hours making- complete with sound- for Michelle's party.)

It's truly a shame that I reside in Los Angeles, where nerds like me are few and far in between. If I was back in the Midwest, (or in the Bay area like Chris says,) I could let my quirkiness, dorkiness, and nerdiness run free with everyone around me. Here, people just look at me like I'm a freak most of the time, LOL. Nevertheless, I still act pretty retarded around these "city people." I mean, you've got these city people scurrying around talking on their cell phones with their oversized sunglasses on, while carrying their lattes from Starbucks and walking their little mini dogs. And theeeeen you have me, running- (and tripping-) around in my sweat pants and t-shirts, carrying around my new Britney Spears purse that my sister just sent me, and wearing a Mario Brothers wrist band with all the different mushrooms on it. Hee hee, it really makes the outfit! = P

So I know it's pretty silly to now be hit with this- the anxiety that comes from knowing that I'm not dorky enough. I can't quote "The Simpsons." I've never been to a video game or Star Wars convention. I pretty much suck at most of the newest video games, and I stink at things like pool and bowling. And while I'm not a super fashionista by any means, I still have a nice hair cut, own cute clothes, and know how to put on make-up. PLUS, I even know how to do my own nails! = O

The cool kids are dorks and vice versa. I'm neither- just a big fan. I'm stuck in between wanting to go shopping and wanting to watch more anime to geekify myself. Oh, the humanity! lol.

I assuage my ego by making fun of both the trendy cool people and the uber-dorks. I snicker and make comments about how some people can spend $500 on a shirt, and laugh at some one else who can blurt out all the geeky computer terms. After doing this, I usually feel much better at the end of the day. = P


Anonymous said...

Blogspot, really needs open ID, but anyway.

I've got the same problem but with slight variations, I'm "cool" enough to pick a Vera Wang out of a crowd, and certainly could tell you the difference between BCBG and Dolce & Gabbana (Thank you three years of InStyle subscriptions), but I know how to code CSS and HTML, have syndicated Slashdot headlines (what's more nerdy than that!?) on my LJ friends list and seriously want apparel from, particularly "I'm blogging this" and "I read your email" (ooh, and the "I love my geek" t-shirt wouldn't be bad either...

All things considered, I think I'm fine in the middle. Cause hey, fashion and designers? Really fun! Creating my own web page and spending hours in Photoshop? Really fun too!