Yay! After walking home for over an hour in the yucky cold weather, (had to drop my car off at the repair shop on my way home from work,) I'm finally going home to visit tomorrow! Now ... if my plane gets cancelled due to SNOW ... (because it's supposed to snow in KC tomorrow,) I think I will go a bit ballistic. (Is that even how you SPELL "ballistic?") Yes ... yes some one, or someTHING will die. I guess mother nature would be the first on my death list. Hehehe.
Hopefully I will have some lovely pics of my travels to post this upcoming week! : D
Later all!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Snow = Ballistic
Posted by Allison at 5:52 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 29, 2007
I've decided that for my next "big purchase," I'm going to save up for this. I have several things on my wishlist, but I think the computer will be my next purchase since I already have my keyboard, and so when I get a computer I can start puting my songs from the keyboard onto my computer and then onto cd!!! Yay!!! Of course ... it will probably take a loooong time to save enough money seeing that I'm having to spend a crap load on my car. :(
Posted by Allison at 11:44 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 27, 2007
A Drizzle Saturday
Today was rather rainy. And misty. And kinda cold. Now that I'm off work, I do believe I will go make myself some tomato soup. Yummm.
Posted by Allison at 5:32 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 26, 2007
I had the most DELICIOUS drink at T.G.I. Fridays with Chris the other night! For those of you who like mudslides, this one is just as yummy if not better! Two words: Chocolate Mint. You can either get a hot drink, (cocoa, kahlua, Starbucks Coffee liquor, and Bailey's Irish Cream,) OR you can get the same ingredients except in a martini, (no hot cocoa ... something else, ) OR you can get it cold and blended, like a shake with ice cream! SOOOO yummy. I had two, but I wanted to try them all. :P
T.G.I. Fridays also has a yummy drink recipe site, complete with mudslides and daiquiris!
Posted by Allison at 4:33 PM 0 comments
A War in the Restroom
Today at the Elephant Bar, as I was leaving to go home I went to go use the restroom. I walk in, and there's these two elderly women in the bigger "handicapped" stall, (and by elderly I mean canes and walkers,) and one of them says to me, "Miss, could you help me? My friend has fallen over." I looked and saw that the other elderly woman was on her knees inside the stall and said, "Oh of course! Is she okay?" She was okay, so I helped her up. I continued by going into the next stall, seeing that I still had to go to the rest room. While I was going pee, the two old women (still in the handicapped stall,) started arguing! "Don't flush the toilet-" "No I need to flush the toilet," "NO DON'T flush the toilet!" "STOP IT, I have to go to the bathroom!" "JUST GO!" Then I heard one of them start to go pee and she started yelling, "GET BACK IN HERE! Don't you leave! Now PUT that down!" And there was this smacking sound, as if she was HITTING her. Hmmmm. Needless to say, I got some more mild entertainment at work today.
Posted by Allison at 3:51 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Sleepy Thursday
I think these signs need to be posted at the Elephant Bar tonight. I work from 5:30pm till who knows when, and I already worked at Starbucks this morning from 4:30am - 12:30pm. The funny part is, me and the guy who were supposed to open the store this morning arrived on time. However, the manager with the key was LATE- (by TWO hours,) and so we just sat in the guy's car for 2 hours and waited. He had HEATED leather seats in his car. I must say, they're quite nice. Although, I had to shift positions every so often because my butt would start burning! :O Hehehe, we also snickered evily as tons of confused people kept walking up to the door only to find it locked. They'd stand there for awhile, looking in, ultra-confused, then they'd start to walk off, then come BACK to the door for a double take. It was mildly entertaining.
Other then that, my eyes are ssssstinging! Oh that and my elbow hurts because I probably fractured it by accidently bashing my bone with the nunchukas on Monday ... ooops ... and ouch.
Hmmm ... maybe I'll have the ability to write something more intelligent tomorrow ...
Posted by Allison at 1:57 PM 2 comments
Monday, January 22, 2007
Taken Care Of
(You'll have to just imagine the really cool picture I had for this blog right here, because BLOGGER isn't cooperating right now ...)
How can I begin to describe how WONDERFUL my day has been today? Should I try to describe? Why yes, I think I shall.
Recap: Thursday I found out that I probably needed at least $800 in car repairs due to a leaking oil gasket which was neglected for months because of WAL-MART. So I was of course freaking out, because I did NOT have $800 available to spend on car repairs! (I had been working on saving money in my "emergency fund," but was only up to about $350- $400.) Sooo, panicked, I worked all weekend long at the Elephent Bar, and worked a double shift on Saturday. I ended up making over $300 in tips during those two days.
On Friday, I was talking with my roommates about the stresses of life and financial situations like these. My roommate Lesley said, "Allison, God knows you work hard. He knows you're not lazy. He knows you don't go out and blow your money irresponsibly. He'll take care of you." And then I thought, I really don't trust God when it comes to money. I'm constantly stressing over whether I'll have enough money, CONSTANTLY. I depend on only myself to take care of me financially, and it's pretty exhausting. So after our discussion, I was like, "Okay God. I'm going to try and trust you with this. You know I don't have enough money, but I know you'll take care of me."
The result? The next day (Saturday,) as I was driving to work, the "check engine" light in my car which had been ON previously, turned OFF. Then, over the weekend, I made more money in tips at the Elephant Bar than I have ever made in the past 5 months since I started working there. Over $300 in two days. Today, my dad told me he sent me a check for $1,000, and to thank God, not him, for it. To top it off, I took my car back to the repair shop this morning, and the cool asian dude who took care of it on Thursday told me, "Just check your oil, to make sure there's enough. Because we replaced the gasket and you might need to put a bit more oil in." "Ok ... " I responded. Waiting. Waiting for him to tell me what other $800 repair my car needed. "And?" I asked. "That's all. Just take it to a gas station at some point to make sure you have enough oil before your next oil change." "AND?" I asked again, sure that he was forgetting to tell me some awful news. "And," he said, "that's all."
Wow. That's all. Talk about being taken care of! Now I have $1,400 saved up in my emergency fund JUST for emergencies, and about $250 in another fund that I just started today. A fund I'll use for eventually buying another car with, or for any other big needs.
Thaaaaank you God! You made my day. :)
Posted by Allison at 12:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 18, 2007
My Italian F**K YOU
How can I begin to describe how WONDERFUL my day has been today? Should I try to describe? Why yes, I think I shall.
During the past few weeks, my brakes have been squeeking so I figured I needed to get them replaced. So today, I drove to Brake Masters to do just that. To my suprise, after checking them out the girl said, "Actually, your brakes and your brake pads are fine. They're just squeeking because they're not great quality," (a certain family I was staying with this time last year replaced them,) "so you really don't need to get them replaced for at least another 5 months." Phew, I thought. Finally I get a break! But before I decided to leave, I asked her if she could replace my "air filter," because for the past year that I've been going to Wal-Mart for oil changes, they've been telling me I need a new air filter. So ... she takes the air filter out and shows it to me. "No, it's really not that dirty. You don't have to get it replaced. It's fine. But what I'm really suprised about is, why Wal-Mart didn't tell you about this." She said as she pointed to my oil gasket, which was completely stained with oil. "This thing has been leaking, so your oil has been slaushing out." Oh ... so THAT'S why I've been needing an oil change every TWO months, my oil's been disappearing! It was starting to make sense. Usually the cost to replace a leaking oil gasket is about $75. Not bad uh? UNFORTUNETLY, Wal-Mart never even bothered to tell me it was leaking during all of my MANY oil change visits, so oil has been leaking INTO THE ENGINE AND TRANSMISSION of my car. Because they didn't notify me of a MINOR problem, it has now turned into a MAJOR problem.
So today I spent $19.50 to get the air filter replaced, (even though she said I didn't have to do that,) and then I spent another $94 for them to replace the leaking oil gasket and to completely clean out the engine, which was caked in all sorts of crap. They told me to drive it around over the weekend and to bring it back on Monday, where I will most likely have to spend about $800 to get the transmission/engine problems fixed DUE TO THE LEAKING OIL THAT WAL-MART NEVER BOTHERED TELLING ME ABOUT!!!
And as I was driving home from the repair shop, my car was jerking back and forth like it was having a prolonged seizure that lasted the entire 10 minutes I was driving home. (They said it would do that for the first 20-30 minutes because of all the chemicals put into the engine to clean it out.) But nothing beats the fact that my car just DIED as I was pulling out of the parking lot and my favorite purse's strap just BROKE OFF MY PURSE as I was paying at the counter. (And thus spilling all of my crap all over the floor.)
Now, the only problem is: Where do I get the additional $800 to fix this whole ordeal? Good question. I don't F**KING know.
Posted by Allison at 4:44 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
"Don't be, Laaaaame!"
well, I took my first "bar test" at the Elephant Bar today so I can hopefully start my training SOON!!! The test is looooong, (and it's only one test out of about 4,) with over 100 questions. Yuck. I told the manager I was going to totally not be able to answer the questions in the "beer section" of the test because I never got the "beertender" study guide, and he was like, "Ehh that's okay. Just do what you can.' Soooo yeah, I think I did lovely other than that!
In other news, I finished writing and recording the music portion of a song on my keyboard, yay! :D
In other not-so-good news, I bought the magix recording studio for PS2 and was SUPER excited when I found it, (because the one they have for the computer is AWSOME and it's how I made my previous song recordings,) only to find that it TOTALLY SUCKED. And it was the "deluxe edition!" Deluxe edition my butt! It was confusing, the recording on the mike sounded bad, and it didn't even work with the controller so I couldn't use any of the special voice features! LAME. Laaaaaaame. THIS is the one I want and need!
I also realized I'm going home soon to visit- yay! :D
Hmmm ... right now I want something to eat. I'm hungry. And I want a Chris. And a Toasty. And a Michelle. And a Fritz. And - the list goes on!
Posted by Allison at 4:17 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Study Break! :P
YAY! :D I'm really excited because we managed to "talk down" or rent increase, so now they're only raising our rent by $60 TOTAL! That's only $15 extra per person!(and YAY I can do math, lol!)
I've been studying the bar guide ever since I got off of work this morning, so I thought I deserved a nice little break! You know ... to refresh myself! To regain the energy and strength needed to study!
Ohhhh how I want this Kill Bill jumpsuit! It would go greeeeat with my matching yellow and black nunchukas!
Woops, should probably go take care of some other things so I can get back to studying! :O
Posted by Allison at 4:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Woo and a Hoo.
Oooooouch! Last night in Kung Fu, I totally took a beating! I was working with the nunchukas and Sifu was trying to teach me "one of the most difficult moves in the set," and I totally just BASHED my elbow like 4 times in a row! It's all blue, yellow, and pink now! Hehehe- it's kinda pretty! :P Sifu said I'm "not going to be so cute anymore" because I'm going to be all bruised! AND I also got my "official" Kung Fu uniform, which is ... hot. I mean temperature wise. I think I sweated almost a gallon in it. As Sifu put it, "No more sexy little outfits!" (Although ... I wouldn't really call a pair of black sweat pants and a tank top "sexy" LOL.)
Today at work, (at The Elephant Bar,) my manager just came up to me and was like, "I'm going to give you your bar test at the end of the week to see where you're at." Uhhh ... that's Friday. That's ... TWO days from now. Let's see ... I only have to memorize like a BOOK'S worth of information and a million drinks before Friday- Woo hoo! Better get started!
Tomorrow was SUPPOSED to be my day off but I told some one from Starbucks I would cover a shift for them ... which means I have to get up at 3:45am now. BLAHHHH!!!! I've decided I'm not even going to go to bed before 10:30-11pm because I can't fall asleep before then. My sleep pattern is all jacked!
Chris has been babbling excitedly over the new iPhone, which after looking at, I have to admit looks pretty nifty! Me wants!!!
Well anyhow I'm going to try and go running and start studying all the countless drink recipies I need to memorize!
Posted by Allison at 4:15 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
What? You mean I could actually afford a cute little apartment for the price of half a room?
Wait a minute, you say I can afford a cute little one bedroom apartment for what I'm currently paying for HALF a room?
I could even afford a nice apartment for the price of less then ONE room!
:::gasps::: I could even afford a one bedroom, ultra-nice apartment in a really nice community??
Okay ... I think I've made my point. OH- and all of the apartments listed allow cats!!!
Posted by Allison at 4:29 PM 1 comments
NOT happy-making
So ... I'm very hostile at the moment because my roommate Lesley came up to me earlier today and was like, "How much do you pay for rent?" and I was like, "$433," and she said, "Oh. Well starting next month it will probably be $533. They always raise the rent every year." Woah ... $533 PLUS utilities which is about $50 ... which means I'll be paying $588 a month to SHARE A ROOM. Let me repeat that. I'LL BE PAYING $588 A MONTH TO SHARE A ROOM. That is ridiculous. If I was in Missouri, or another state for that matter, I could get a nice 2-3 bedroom apartment for what I'm paying for HALF A ROOM. Not cool. Not happy-making. I really can't afford to pay an EXTRA $100 each month on rent- I already have enough trouble paying it as it is. I could rant all day about this- but I won't. :/
PLUS I have come home TWICE this week when no one was home, only to find that my roommate left the curling iron ON. Not good. Burning down apartment = BAD. That and SOME ONE'S been drinking all my orange juice everytime I buy some. :::SIGH:::
I'm SO fed up with things right now. On the bright side, I love a Chris! And he's only ... what ... 45 miles away? :(
Posted by Allison at 3:52 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 08, 2007
I'm trying to get motivated to go running but I'm so, so very tired ... having to be at work at 4:30am throws off my sleeping patterns! And I need MORE energy after running for Kung Fu tonight ... I've decided that there's just not enough energy to go around right now- lol. OH and I totally burned my finger this morning while at work because of all the people who kept ordering *&%#@! cappucinos!!! Stupid 170 degree foam. lol.
YAY I'm working on a song, (well, a couple actually,) on my keyboard which I'm way excited about! :D
Anyhow this blog isn't very interesting ... no ... no it's not. Maybe I should stop. OR I could keep babbling. I think ... I would like to keep babbling. However, I really need to go running so maybe I should stop. Yes ... I've decided. Because I have other things I need to get done right now, I will stop babbling. :P I'm dumb.
Posted by Allison at 2:35 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 04, 2007
YAY!!! :D
OH BABY!!! Today, I just bought THIS beautiful Yamaha full-size portable grand piano!! :D I'm sooooo excited!
Some Features:
* 88 piano-sized, light-weighted keys are touch sensitive, giving you more flexibility in your creative expression
* 500 instrument voices and 150 accompaniment styles
* USB MIDI and Flash ROM allow you to connect the keyboard to your computer and the Internet for more lessons, and so you can download your written/recorded songs onto your computer to put them on a cd
* Interactive Yamaha Education Suite makes playing easier and more fun for novices with lessons, grading and 100 songs to learn
* Large backlit LCD display
* Easy song arranger and 6-track sequencer
* Includes matching stand, power adapter and quick-start DVD
PLUS- Chris bought the new Karaoke Revolution: American Idol game yesterday! SOOOO excited right now! :D
Posted by Allison at 5:05 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Woah. Today at work was SO busy- which is good! (That is, when the hostess doesn't seat you like 6 tables all at the same time!) Yeeeeah. Stressful. The picture above was me today at work. AND I got my poor wrist smashed while at work. :( Youch. It hurts.
For New Years Eve I had two options: a.) Either sit in my apartment by myself with no tv, dvd player, OR computer, or b.) Go spend it with Chris at his daddy's house in Chino Hills. I chose "b." :P
We watched the movie "Cars," (which was just as funny as when I saw it with Michelle over the summer,) ate pizza, talked, watched "American Dreamz," and played Scene-It.(Which Chris won and I lost!) Grrrr. Although, I WOULD have come in second-to-last if Chris' brother John hadn't gotten a double roll at the last minute! Blasted double takes! :P
In celebration of the new year I was going to post my "new years resolutions" in today's blog- but I think that's going to have to wait until tomorrow. I'm hungry and I need to do laundry!
Posted by Allison at 4:51 PM 1 comments