Monday, January 22, 2007

Taken Care Of

(You'll have to just imagine the really cool picture I had for this blog right here, because BLOGGER isn't cooperating right now ...)

How can I begin to describe how WONDERFUL my day has been today? Should I try to describe? Why yes, I think I shall.

Recap: Thursday I found out that I probably needed at least $800 in car repairs due to a leaking oil gasket which was neglected for months because of WAL-MART. So I was of course freaking out, because I did NOT have $800 available to spend on car repairs! (I had been working on saving money in my "emergency fund," but was only up to about $350- $400.) Sooo, panicked, I worked all weekend long at the Elephent Bar, and worked a double shift on Saturday. I ended up making over $300 in tips during those two days.

On Friday, I was talking with my roommates about the stresses of life and financial situations like these. My roommate Lesley said, "Allison, God knows you work hard. He knows you're not lazy. He knows you don't go out and blow your money irresponsibly. He'll take care of you." And then I thought, I really don't trust God when it comes to money. I'm constantly stressing over whether I'll have enough money, CONSTANTLY. I depend on only myself to take care of me financially, and it's pretty exhausting. So after our discussion, I was like, "Okay God. I'm going to try and trust you with this. You know I don't have enough money, but I know you'll take care of me."

The result? The next day (Saturday,) as I was driving to work, the "check engine" light in my car which had been ON previously, turned OFF. Then, over the weekend, I made more money in tips at the Elephant Bar than I have ever made in the past 5 months since I started working there. Over $300 in two days. Today, my dad told me he sent me a check for $1,000, and to thank God, not him, for it. To top it off, I took my car back to the repair shop this morning, and the cool asian dude who took care of it on Thursday told me, "Just check your oil, to make sure there's enough. Because we replaced the gasket and you might need to put a bit more oil in." "Ok ... " I responded. Waiting. Waiting for him to tell me what other $800 repair my car needed. "And?" I asked. "That's all. Just take it to a gas station at some point to make sure you have enough oil before your next oil change." "AND?" I asked again, sure that he was forgetting to tell me some awful news. "And," he said, "that's all."

Wow. That's all. Talk about being taken care of! Now I have $1,400 saved up in my emergency fund JUST for emergencies, and about $250 in another fund that I just started today. A fund I'll use for eventually buying another car with, or for any other big needs.

Thaaaaank you God! You made my day. :)