Friday, February 15, 2008


Did everyone have a good Valentine's Day filled with love and passion? Hehehe. :P Chris got me some really thoughtful things. Two dvds, ('50 First Dates' and 'The Lake House',) two complimentary ring tones for my phone, (I picked out Alicia Keys and Super Mario Bros,) a chocolate red rose (the best of both worlds,) and my favorite: A heart shaped box of 24 chocolates where he picked out each individual chocolate himself! (So I don't have to worry about getting any of the gross "pink" ones!) :P Yummmmm they are the BEST chocolates. Oh damn. So good. Oh and he took me out to dinner too! We were going to go to The Olive Garden, but after finding that there was a 2+ hour wait, we headed to Black Angus. After arriving there and finding that there was a 1 hour and 45 min+ wait, we headed to Acapulco for some Mexcian. Since the wait was only 10 minutes, we decided to stay. :P It was quite tasty. To end the evening we played the "gift" that I had bought for Chris, (a board game called "101 Nights of Ggggreat Sex,") which is actually as good as it sounds! :P Oh and Chris and I have such similiar taste in cards that we ended up accidently getting each other the SAME V-Day card. Haaahaha.

Oh and my foot is a little sore still but feels much better. Phew!


we rule the school said...

So cute!

But shouldn't your subject heading read "TOASTYlicious?"

Allison said...

Hahaha, perhaps it should.