For those of you who watched American Idol at all last season, chances are you probably remember Kellie Pickler, that bubbly blonde from Albemarle, North Carolina. She definetly played the "dumb blonde" card by playing up her nieve-ness, i.e. mispronouncing calamari, (not even knowing what it was,) saying the word "salmon" like "SAL-mon," etc. Anyhow, she got to be rather annoying, to say the least. Although she didn't win the competition, she still toured with the "top 12" and has been making country albums.
Last week, she made an appearance on the American Idol elimination night to sing a song- and the first thing I noticed was her boobs. They were huge! It looked like they had ballooned from a 38-A cup to a double DD! Apparently, I wasn't the only one who noticed. Ryan Seacrest, (the show's host,) obviously distracted by how enormous Kellie's boobs had suddenly gotten, asked her, "So, after Idol, what have you been spending your money on?" With a sheepish grin, Kellie replied, "Shoes." Yeah. Right. "What else have you spent your money on?" Ryan asked further. Hmmmm ... I'm betting a boob job.
In addition to getting a fake looking boob job, Kellie's song that she sang and "co-wrote" left something to be desired. It was pretty dull. And not only was the song dull, but her stage presence was very lackluster. She stood in the same spot the whole time, with little to no arm movement, and showed very little facial expression. It was like she had no emotion. Auuugh.
And I'm still wondering, "Why would you want to go from an A-cup to a DD?" Not only is that going to stretch out your boobs and make them look bad, (in addition to fake,) but ... but ... I know alot of people who complain about having large boobs! My roommate (who has DD's,) is always complaining about how it hurts to run because her boobs are flopping all over the place, and that she can never find tops that fit because her boobs are too big. Now ... I'm not saying being fully-endowed is a bad thing ... but ... going from an A to DD? Now that's overkill.
Writer's Block: I wanna be just like you
13 years ago
I bet she has mega-visible scars, like the woman in "Dark Harvest whatevernumber"
A number of women I know (including my aunt) have had breast reduction surgery becaus eof the strain on their shoulders and backs. Hell, I wouldn't mind having smaller ones, if it weren't for the fact that my stupid boobs balance out my stupid hips.
And in response to the post about bra shopping:
My favorite bra of all time was sold by Target. Notice I said "was." I tried to buy more the other day, and I couldn't find any! I'm down to one bra, and my favortie one was quite possibly discontinued! Nooooo!!! Trying on bras is my absolute least favorite thing to do!
Oh, yes, it's Esther. I forgot to sign my name.
Yes, I have found many bras I like at Target/Wal-Mart, although I haven't found any STRAPLESS ones that I like at those places. So that is why I resorted to paying a fortune at Victoria's Secret, LOL! Oh well. At least it's a new favorite.
Don't you hate it when places discontinue your favorite things? Like orange Schmirnoff! I'm sure it isn't discontinued ... but ... but ... :::starts panicking::: I can't find it!!!
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