Blegh it's been awhile since I've posted anything ...
I just got gas for $14 ... (even better than in my last post!) Hehehe ... :P
Um um let's see ... work at Elephant Bar has been pretty sucky lately ... haven't been making hardly any money there ... but I guess anything is better than nothing right now ... ummm started taking my acting class again and I'm really enjoying it ... ummm ... I'm working at the Sundance Film Festival in Utah next month so that's pretty freaking cool ... (doing the celebrity poker tournament, celebrity bobsledding, big fashion show, etc.) ... still love 'Little Big Planet' and have started creating my own levels ... really excited to be going home for Christmas and New Years for the first time in like 3 years ... YEAH ... I'm kind of hungry right now ... I'm a bit tired ... yes in fact my eyes are stinging ... have A LOT to get done before I leave for MO on the 18th... haven't started my Christmas shopping yet ... am shooting 3 different commercials this weekend ... and ... I'm covered in Toasty fur ... and ... there's no picture for this blog because they keep showing up WAY too big and I don't feel like opening photoshop simply for the purpose of resizing said image for this post ...
And that's the official update. :P
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Posted by Allison at 3:03 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Oh Happy Day
I filled up my gas tank today for $18 ... it was ... amazing.
Posted by Allison at 10:22 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
Friday Night Twilight
Way excited that 'TWILIGHT' opens tonight!!! ... Even though I think I'm gonna force myself to wait until a week night to see it so that it won't be insanely crowded ... perhaps in a week or two on a Wednesday night ... I want as little disturbance while viewing the film as possible. :P
So glad it's Friday. So tired.
Next weekend I'm going to put the Christmas decorations up- woo hoo! I was tempted to do it this weekend, but then decided that I couldn't bare doing it BEFORE Thanksgiving so I decided to wait.
I think I'm going to start building my website for my wedding planning business soon - yay! Hopefully it won't look like total crap. :P
Posted by Allison at 6:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Little Big Ramble
Ok so I'm pretty sure I'm going to be obsessed with the new PS3 game 'Little Big Planet,' which I bought for Chris for his birthday on Saturday. I've only gotten to play it once so far, so I haven't had time to go into full obsession mode, but once I do ... there's no turning back. :P
I also took him out to Black Angus for a birthday lunch, and it was soooo tastylicious! I also had not one, not two, but THREE different versions of "Texas Tea," (aka a really yummy booze drink,) SO good!!
Ran on our new treadmill for the first time today. Lovely.
Saya shed her skin today. Cute! My baby is growing up, haha. :P
Posted by Allison at 5:45 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I met the actor Bill Cobbs at the Elephant Bar today, and it was rather cool. :P
Posted by Allison at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Conference Madness
Currently I'm at my hotel and have just finished the second day of the California Couture Conference for the Association of Bridal Consultants. I've had a lot of fun so far and am learning lots and meeting new people, which is lovely.
Sunday I arrived at the Fairmont Hotel in Newport Beach (where the conference is being held,) at around 12pm and it was hilarious because as I pulled up to the front of the hotel, (valet parking ONLY) the valet dude came walking up to my car and tried to open my door for me only to find that the door handle was broken, hahaha. It felt really weird being "helped" out of my car, lol. Talk about fancy shmancy! There was lots of classes that day and a beautiful outdoor poolside reception that evening. Unfortunetly, my cell phone managed to some how fall out of my bag during a work-shop and I immediately went back to get it and it was gone. Some one stole it and decided not to turn it in so I'm pretty peeved about that. I've suspended it so that they cannot make/receive calls or do anything with it. GRRRRRRRRR!!!! (So I need everyone's numbers for when I DO get another phone.)
Today was nice. Got up early and stopped at a Starbucks on my way to the conference where the nice young asian barista dude gave me my drink for free! (I must've looked good in my professional attire, hahaha.) Lots of classes today, a beautiful luncheon and fashion show, great food ... and now I'm entirely pooped, hahaha. And yep that's about it so far! I'm too lazy to write out all the details ... and yeah.
Posted by Allison at 6:31 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Vitriolic Smears after Mr. Obama's victory
I just got a call from UPS. The treadmill I ordered less than a week ago is scheduled for delivery on Veteran's Day! Now I wont have to take a day off work to wait on the delivery man.
In other news, Barack Obama won the election.
Here are some of the responses from the Right.
"Congratulations, moonbats. You finally have your revenge for being forced to look at all those flags after 9/11. This is a day of celebration for everyone hostile to America and the principles of individual liberty for which it stands. Enjoy it while you can ... What (you) have done to this country is beyond forgiveness." - Moon Battery
"If only one good thing has come from this election, it's that it is crystal clear who the enemy is. We don't have to compromise any more. We're liberated." - Caption This
"We are fooling ourselves if we think the United States is still a Christian nation. Its people just elected a barbarian as president." - Jill Stanek
"What we need to do now is pull America's head out of its ass before these bastards do too much damage." Black Five
Has anyone taken a look at the election results? Appalachia is the only geographical area where John McCain performed better than George W. Bush. One guess as to why McCain performed so extraordinarily well there.
The unfortunate thing about comments like these is that they reinforce the caricature of Republicans as Nascar-loving, country-music listeners who are anti religious freedom, public education, environmental protection, science, foreign diplomacy, middle class, union membership, health insurance, immigration, action on global warming, gay rights and, of course, civil discourse.
This is, understandably, disturbing for I know many good people who happen to be Republicans. How then does one reconcile the actions of the party, and its talk show radio mouthpieces, with the people it represents?
Posted by Chris at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Rainy Saturdays = Marvelous
Happy late Halloween to all ... oooops. Hehehe.
Today was marvelous. For the first time in such a looong time, it was cool, cloudy, and rainy all day long. I LOVED it. So much. I played on the internet, played with photoshop (bought an awsome photoshop portrait techniques book,) went clothes shopping and spent way too much money, had me some coffee, and am now sitting here listening to Mozart while typing. Lovely.
The ABC (Association of Bridal Consultants,) conference that I won the scholarship to is next weekend in Newport Beach, I'm excited. I have my own room in a lovely hotel for two nights, pretty nifty.
By the by, everyone needs to get addicted to the Huntsville computer games. I am. Go to and you can try a free trial of all seven games. Hmmm ... I think I'll go play right now!
Posted by Allison at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Random Wednesday Blahs.
Just got back from seeing the movie "Quarantine." Although a bit predictable, it was one of the better horror films I've seen in awhile. It was sufficiently nerve-wracking and I definitely had to pee my pants by the end. (Don't worry, I made it to the bathroom.) ... Barely. :P
Chris is purchasing a treadmill in order to get into better shape aerobically. I have to say, I am VERY excited by this! :P
No plans for Halloween yet, although I at least get to wear a costume to work at Starbucks on Friday! :D I'm stupidly excited to wear something other than the black or white polo and cap. Hahaha.
And ... I have yucky cramps. :/
Posted by Allison at 9:53 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Feelings of Utter Disgust.
Tonight I went to Michael's to get a few things. When I got there, I walked straight towards the Halloween section, (because what I needed would be found in the Halloween section.) So ... you can imagine my surprise and utter disgust when I found that, on October 22nd, the Halloween stuff had already been replaced with Christmas decorations. No more Halloween things ... BEFORE Halloween. SERIOUSLY mind boggling.
Posted by Allison at 8:46 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Meet Saya
Meet Saya, (pronounced SIGH-UH,) the newest member of the ... errr ... family! I bought her today at the Cal Polly Pumpkin Festival. I chose the name Saya, which is the name of a character from an anime series that Chris and I like, 'Blood +.'(It was hard to take a picture without blurriness because she kept moving!) She's an albino corn snake, which are apparently a very calm and friendly breed that like to be held. (Non-poisonous of course.) Right now she's really tiny, but once full grown will probably reach about 4+ feet.
What Saya will look like once she's a bit bigger ...
And yet bigger ... cute uh? And yes, I know that normal people normally leave with a pumpkin after going to a pumpkin festival, but I think that we have already established that I am not normal. :P
Posted by Allison at 10:59 PM 0 comments
The Pumpkin Festival
Today was the pumpkin festival at Cal Polly, which was a lot of fun. There was a huuuuge pumpkin patch filled with a seemingly infinite number of pumpkins, food and craft stands, face painting, games, corn mazes, horse rides, and a giant insect exhibit. While we were there I bought a container of SUPER yummy dried apples. Oh and a pet snake. :P (Pics and details in later post.)
This weekend has been great. Last night Chris and I lounged at home and played a fun game of Scrabble (even though I beat Chris by 32 points, hehehehe.) :P Then we spent like 3 hours playing this really fun computer game called 'Mystery Case Files, Huntsville.' So. Fun.
It was funny. Yesterday I got home from work before Chris, so I decided to surprise him with dinner by ordering one of the Tuscani Pastas from Pizza Hut. (We'd both been wanting to try them.) So I placed the order and the pasta arrived right on time, about 5 minutes after Chris got home. However, Chris had wanted to surprise ME with dinner, so he arrived with a bunch of yummy food from Arbys. Needless to say, there was definitely not a food shortage last night. :P
Posted by Allison at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Just For Fun ...
What Your Socks Say About You |
![]() You Are: - Quite charming - Of excellent character - A bit old-fashioned - Very gracious |
Posted by Allison at 3:26 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
30 Days of ... Teeth Whitening?
Chris and I just watched '30 Days of Night.' It was a spooky concept, especially seeing that Barrow, Alaska, (where the film takes place,) actually has 65 straight days of night November - January! But it could have been done better, and the female lead was pretty asinine.
I'm currently in the process of getting my teeth whitened. I had a much needed dentist apt. the other weekend and had a major discount coupon for the custom trays/whitening kit, but it huuuurts like a bitch!!!! Seriously I don't know if I can take it for another week/week and a half. :/
I beat 'The Simpsons Game' for the PS2 today- yaaaay! ;D
Next weekend Chris and I are going to a "pumpkin festival," woo hoo! I'm so stupidly excited. :P
I bought an awsome cake topper for my 'Nightmare Before Christmas' cake today, yipeeeee.
And now, I will away to bed as soon as I get the tray filled with death gel off of my teeth.
Posted by Allison at 12:09 AM 2 comments
Saturday, October 04, 2008
The Note
You know how in movies about high school kids they always show the girls (or boys) passing around a little piece of paper during class so they can write notes to each other? Well the other day, as Chris' class was dismissed, such a note slipped out of the back pack of one of his girl students. THIS is the actual note ... (And if you don't already know Chris' last name- it's Ruiz.)HAHAHA. Wow.
Posted by Allison at 8:45 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 03, 2008
It's Time ...
... to sound like an infomercial. :P I just wanted to say, that I LOVE! I've suffered from horrible bouts of acne off and on for the past 13 years shortly after I turned 12. And of course I've basically tried everything, from dermatologist prescribed creams, gels, and oral antibiotics to almost every acne product you can find in the drugstores. Well a few months ago back in May after doing more internet research I stumbled across, which is a very informative site and was created by this dude named Daniel Kern (a former acne sufferer,) who has devoted his time to creating products that work great and are CHEAP. All I can say is, if you suffer from acne, follow his "regime" to the T!!!! Because ... it works. The right side of my face earlier this year ...
The right side of my face today.
The left side of my face earlier this year ... (notice the big black spot on the left underneath my mouth, it's a giant scab that you couldn't see in the first picture.)
The left side of my face today. Woo hoo! OH and BTW, this pic was taken today, and I'm on my period. Now, you're probably thinking, why would I want to know that little piece of information?! And I say, because even when I'm on my period, I still don't break out!!! :P (Except for the occasional odd zit, of course.) :P
Posted by Allison at 2:30 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 02, 2008
One of the those Days!
This day started off on the wrong foot from the start.
- Toasty's food bowl was being swarmed by ants that came from some unbeknownst location. Poor Toasty.
- I couldn't spray the bowl, the plastic mat it was placed on, or the ground because Toasty would likely have killed herself in licking up the spray.
- I stomped the floor and cleaned out Toasty's bowel for ten minutes. Hence, I was ten minutes late in getting to the car.
- There was a multiple car collision on the freeway that closed down three of the four lanes.
- In an attempt to get to work on time, I jumped over a large concrete divider between the freeway and the exit I wanted to get to. Poor Mazda 6.
- I was late! And, both vice-principals were at the parking lot gate to greet me. Yay?
- As soon as I get to my classroom, someone pulls a fire alarm on campus. I realize I don't have any fire drill supplies because I'm now in a new classroom. And ... I have no idea where to take my kids during the drill, or what "approved" path I'm supposed to take to get there. Both vice-principals are there to greet me again.
- My morning Pepsi can - exploded!
- I just compared my new paycheck to last years - the amount I pay in taxes, union dues, and other deductions has now risen to 28%. Loverly? And, it will take three years to make back the money I spent on my MA.
- Oh, and because California's legislature took forever to approve a budget, that was due months ago, they haven't gone about financing the new budget yet. Basically, California doesn't have the money yet and if they can't take out loans - because of the credit freeze - they wont be able to pay any public employees, such as myself. So ... I might not be getting a paycheck as early as November first. Thanks California legislature.
- The lunch counter just ran out of change so I couldn't purchase a snack or a drink.
- But, the day can still make a drastic turnaround if McCain doesn't suspend his campaign. I'm very much looking forward to the Saturday Night Live feeding trough that will be the Palin-Biden debate. There's nothing quite like a candidate who doesn't have any knowledge of the Supreme Court or who believes dinosaurs and humans once coexisted.
Posted by Chris at 10:48 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
There's No Place Like Home ...
I just bought these. Jealous? I know I would be. :P I've wanted a pair of ruby slippers ever since I saw 'The Wizard of Oz' for the first time at like the age of 3. That's 22 years of ruby-slipper-wanting! :P
It is FAR too hot here in California to be October 1st. It was 97 degrees today ... what the hell? Although it's supposed to be about 72 degrees by Friday.
I got stiffed TWICE today at work. That SUCKS. Work SUCKS.
On the bright side, I may have my first official wedding cake "booking" for a wedding in July '09. Woooo hoooo! :D
Posted by Allison at 10:44 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Bedding That is Sure to Give you Nightmares ... :P
Chris and I stumbled across some pretty ... ehem ... kick-ass bedding today. We now have 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' bedding! (And of course this bedding is fitting for both upcoming holidays- Halloween AND Christmas! Heeeeheee!)
Posted by Allison at 6:35 PM 2 comments
Halloween Hauntings
Halloween and fall decorations have officially taken over the apartment. :PI have these hanging from the countertop area, aren't they cute?
I have WAY too much fun decorating ...
This is by the bedroom doorway. Yes, it says "this way to the dungeon."
A nice little corner display ...
There's nothing like gravestones and skeletons to make your living room a little more homey feeling. :P
Fall candles with the scent of pumpkin spice scattered throughout are delightful!
With all the pumpkins I have everywhere, our place really IS like living inside a pumpkin patch, hehehe.
A cute Halloween throw blanket for the couch. It's both comfy and cozy ... Chris would know. :P
And colorful fall leaves around the front door completes the look. :D
Posted by Allison at 1:02 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Unpleasant Night
Last night I had total crap sleep because first of all it took me FOREVER to fall asleep, and then when I finally DID fall asleep I was plagued by constant horrible nightmares ALL NIGHT that would consistently cause me to wake up drenched in sweat. I bought and watched the dvd 'The Notebook' today. Hopefully that has filled my mind with enough sappy goodness to keep away the bad dreams tonight. :/
Posted by Allison at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Out With the Old, In With the New!
So for the past few weeks I've been following this little rule that I made up; every time I buy a new shirt (or any clothing item for that matter,) I have to get rid of an existing item. Because quite frankly, I have a lot of clothes that I don't wear. I just ... have such a hard time getting rid of them! I'm always thinking, I just know that the moment I throw them out I'll want to wear them. (Even though I never do.) This way I'm replacing the old, never used items with new clothes I'll actually wear! Woo hoo! :P
Posted by Allison at 5:58 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
My New Baby :P
After two years of lusting, I finally bought this today. A beautiful 300-watt, 4.5 qt Kitchenaid stand mixer! (Mine is the reverse of the picture; white with a pink stripe.) I'm so excited to use it! It can mix, whip, kneed dough, and do about a million other things with additional attachments. I figured that I deserved to spend $270 (with tax) on something I could really use as a present to myself for saving $875 from the scholarship I won. Plus, my purchase donated $40 to breast cancer research! :P
After I went on my grand shopping spree, I was feeling so brave that I decided to dye my hair. :P Actually, it really isn't that drastic. It's a light brownish/blonde/red color. Hehehe.
Chris and I saw that new movie "Burn After Reading" with his familia tonight. It was ok. It was entertaining and slightly humorous so I guess it did it's job. :P
And now it's 1:37am and I'm going to bed. :::yawn:::
Posted by Allison at 1:24 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Cue Light Bulb Switch "On!"
I've been coming up with more cake ideas! Currently, I'm planning my next "big" cake for next month, which is going to be a "Nightmare Before Christmas" cake in honor of Halloween! :D And for November, I'm thinking of making an R2-D2 cake. But shhhh don't tell anyone, it's a secret. :P
Posted by Allison at 8:31 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 08, 2008
Random Um's
Um um um I beat 'The Nightmare Before Christmas, Oogie's Revenge' the other day. Loved the game, HATED the final boss, lol.
Um um um I made my first tiered cake over the weekend, and it turned out quite well if I do say so myself. :P
Um um um I bought some hair dye, "light reddish brown" over the weekend. We'll see if I have the guts to actually use it soon. :P
Um ... I'm tired. :/
Posted by Allison at 7:20 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
I'm Contemplating ...
Doing something different with my hair. Like ... coloring it a brownish ... or redish color ... or a brown/red color ... or giving it a slightly different cut ... or ... perhaps both a haircut AND color ... hmmm ...
Posted by Allison at 7:09 PM 2 comments
Labels: H
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Eventful yet Non-Eventful Weekend
Had a good weekend. Chris and I went to the presentation in Pasadena and got our 2 night paid for vacation in Napa Valley and also SIX free movie tickets. Woo woo! Considering each movie ticket is about $12 these days, I'm pretty excited about that.
I also purchased stuff to make my first tiered cake next weekend, and bought the PS2 game 'The Nightmare Before Christmas, Oogie's Revenge' which I have pretty much been playing nonstop today.
I hate it when you have really good friends that pretty much just decide to dump you. I'm pretty much fed up with that bull s--t.
Found a Pinkberry just 5 miles away from the apartment. Yay!
And I work tomorrow. Yipee.
Posted by Allison at 11:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Mizzy & Barf Visit
So, can I just start off by saying ...
I'M SO EXCITED!!! I just won the scholarship to attend the annual Association of Bridal Consultants conference in New Port Beach! I had to write an essay and submit a business plan. AND it was judged along with other entries from around the world! This will be saving me about $1,000 which ... for me is a lot. It will pay for the entire conference. YAYYYYYY!!!!
Erika and Barf left last night. Their time here was so much fun!!! Thursday when they got into town around 1:40pm Chris and I took them to In'N'Out (a trademark California burger joint,) and then Erika and I took a nice short (but intense) walk in this beautiful neighborhood while Chris and Barf relaxed in the park. That night we played the Karaoke Revolution games while drinking Mike's Limetinis and Mimosas. FUN!
Friday we spent all day at the water park Raging Waters, which was loads of fun, especially since I hadn't been to a water park in like 13 years. We ate dinner at the Elephant Bar, which was delicious! (Yes I still love the food even though I work there.)
Saturday we had breakfast at a little bakery near the apartment called, "Miss Donut-Bagel." It had damn good donuts. We then spent the day in Little Tokyo shopping, wondering around, trying out Pink Berry (MY NEW FAVORITE) and doing karaoke. We rented our own karaoke room for 2 hours (special hour was only $4 per person/hour) and it was SOOO fun! They had every song imaginable. I'm definitely going back. We watched 'The Last Man on Earth' later that night.
Sunday we started off by taking the special Hawaiian Gardens/Crystal Fitness tour, (HA) and eating at Taco San Pedro, then we headed to Huntington Beach for the day. The waves were some of the biggest I'd ever seen while at the beach, and we got knocked over about 50 times each. (At least.) We finished off the day by renting/watching 'Top Gun.' (It was actually Erika's idea!!!)
Finally, yesterday we went to the Grove/Farmer's Market in LA (where I used to live,) and enjoyed some shopping and eating. (At the French Crepe Co, YUM!!!) Afterwards we headed to Hollywood Blvd., walked around, and then to Sunset Blvd. to walk around some more. While there we ate at a super yummy new place called "The Aroma Cafe." To end the night we drove down Sunset Blvd. to locate some famous "hot spots," then drove through Beverly Hills and down Rodeo Drive. Next stop was the Grey Hound bus station. :( But it was a goooood time.
Posted by Allison at 6:30 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Yep. That's About It.
Umm ummm ummm let's see ...
Saturday Chris and I attended the Celebrity Food Show event in Anaheim to go see The Ace of Cakes live, which was tons of fun. There were also tons of stations set up for various restaurants, independent cooks, etc to try their food products. I apparently won the "sweet stacks" raffle for a $100 gift basket filled with pancake goodies, lol. Oh and Chris and I signed up for a promotional vacation, which means we'll get two nights paid for at a really nice resort in Napa Valley for attending a 90 minute presentation next week. Woot! I checked out the resort and it's beautiful! We'll still have to pay for food and gas, but considering that the "cheapest" room at the resort we'll be staying at is $399 per night, I think we'll manage. :P
Currently trying two different dessert recipes by Paula Dean tonight, I'll find out in about 30 minutes how they turn out.
Way excited for Erika and Barf's visit on Thursday, yaaaaaaaay!
And lastly, I'm trying to think of a cool idea for my first tiered cake ... hmmm ...
Posted by Allison at 8:06 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
Number Three.
Hmmmm. FINALLY started back at the E-Bar today, fun times. I'd almost forgotten how horrible people tip now adays.
Yesterday I spent all day at Universal Studios with Chris and his family, which was uber fun. I loooooved the new Simpson's ride, SO much fun! And all of the other ones were a blast too, like Jurassic Park, the Mummy ride, and the studio tour. This will be the 3rd theme park I've visited this summer, not bad eh? And I'll be adding a fourth when I go to Raging Waters when Erika and Barf are in town! :D
I'm hungry. Must eat.
Posted by Allison at 5:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
So the picture above is of the super cute hand-made owl purse that I just won on E-Bay! I am QUITE excited about it's arrival. Speaking of arrivals, my new digital camera arrived while I was in MO and I picked it up on Friday. So far I love it! I can't wait to put it to good use. :P I got a lot done over the weekend, (everything on my "list," actually!) Hmmm let's see. I ...
- Unpacked
- Went to the post office to pick up all the mail
- Bought a camera case
- Took my car into the Mitsubishi dealer for an oil change, clean, new breaks, and a break flush. ($399- AHH!!!)
- Cleaned the apartment
- Went grocery shopping
- Went to Target for some groceries that the store didn't have (gotta have my supreme pizza lean pockets!!!)
- Went through all my mail (there was a TON.)
- Edited and posted a crap load of pictures from our trip.
- Bought/started reading 'Breaking Dawn.'
Wew! The only bad thing is that when I went to the E-Bar on Sunday to pick up my schedule, I was unpleasantly surprised by the fact that they "forgot" to put me back on the schedule this week! Which means NO shifts this week. Nothing. Nada. Which, after being on vacation for 2 and 1/2 weeks, spending lots of money, getting back and spending $400 on car repairs, REALLY sucks. I'm poor. :(
Posted by Allison at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Highlights for Dummies.
No, you guys aren't dummies, I just liked the title. :P So the trip home was super fun. Aside from a few damp spots, the trip was filled with highlights. Here are a few of my favorite:
- Going to World's a Fun with Erika, Barf, and Chris. Our roller coaster pic competitions were the best!!!
- Getting loaded up with drinks and then watching 'Hancock' and 'Dark Knight' at Erika's theatre. Good times!
- Taking "Hero" pictures with Resther, Jesse, and Chris and then eating out at Sonic.
- Hanging out with Resther and Jesse at their casa watching movies and making cookies.
- My party, twas loads of fun. Especially afterwards when Erika, Barf, Resther, Jesse, Chris and I played 'Saving Private Ryan!'
- Carrying on a tradition with Erika and Barf by watching some of the '8 Films to Die for.' (As crappy as they may have been!')
- Chris and I's tradition of going to Panera on a daily basis for coffee and a bagel. (Or in Chris' case, a brownie.)
- Hanging out with Andrew and Esther eating delicious meals at their casa and playing tons of badminton! (FYI Esther's creme brulee is as good as The Elephant Bar's. And that's saying a lot.)
- Going to Skies with Erika, Barf, and Chris while drinking delicious 'Lady Godivas.'
- Going on a super long 4 and 1/2 hour power walk with Mizzy.
- Spending time with Andrew, Esther, and Sni-a-bar while drinking Mikes Hard Limeades.
- Taking villain pictures with Erika and Barf. (I have some up on myspace and facebook, check them out!!!)
- Enjoying all the many thunderstorms while in town.
- Going to the 'Bodies Revealed' exhibit with Erika and Chris. It was AMAZING!
- And of course, going on my progressive birthday dinner in 'The District.'
Thanks to Andrew and Esther for cooking us meals and letting us stay at their casa, and thanks to Becky (aka Jones) for giving us a ride to the airport!!! :)
Posted by Allison at 2:35 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Ummm have I told everyone yet that the party is "starting" at 6pm on Saturday? Well ... if not ... it starts at 6pm!!! :P
Posted by Allison at 1:19 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Attention all MO peeps!!! Could you please RSVP by this Saturday (the 19th) for the party that I'm having on Saturday, July 26th? I need to have an idea of how many people will be coming for food and planning purposes. Details on the theme, exact time, and dress will be announced later this week. You can just RSVP to me via myspace or facebook message, phone, OR you can even leave me a comment right here on this blog. :P Thanks!
Posted by Allison at 4:02 PM 2 comments
Friday, July 11, 2008
Ohhhhhh Joy.
Saw 'Wall-E' last weekend and thought it was WAY cute, of course! It totally made me want to own my own little robot ... which ... would be WAY cool. Especially a cute one. Like Wall-e.
Am HIGHLY annoyed at the moment because the digital camera I ordered is NOT going to make it here in time before I leave for Missouri, like it should have. I bought it (on e-Bay,) on June 29th. My payment process through PayPal was complete by July 2nd, and for some asinine reason, the seller decided to wait OVER a week after he received my payment to ship it. I mean, half the reason I ordered the camera when I did was so that I could have it for my trip home! *&^$#@! Now it will arrive when I'm out of the state. Great.
I'm super tired for some reason and my head hurts.
I ordered a ticket to go see Chef Duff (from Food Network's show Ace of Cakes) in August so that'll be loads of fun, plus other celebrity chefs will be there and there will be tons of food and wine tasting. Yipeeee!
I want a Mikes Hard Lemonade right now, in the lime flavor.
I have too much to get done this weekend.
And ... blah.
Posted by Allison at 6:18 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Playstation 3
Today, I finally found and bought an 80 Gigabyte Playstation 3 with a 3 year warranty for about the same amount of money as many people spend on one month's rent in many parts of the country. So, why am I happy?
I've been looking for this specific bundle since June 12th. I've been searching online, making calls to local stores, and driving from store to store. I was almost at the point of considering driving to Long Beach just for one of these.
So, what makes one of these so precious? This specific Playstation bundle is the first to include the new Dual-Shock Six-Axis game-pad, includes a voucher for a free online game, brings back backward compatibility for Playstation 1 and 2 games (a feature not available on other PS3 models), includes slots for memory cards and USB devices (another feature oddly missing from other models), supports 1080p High Definition displays, and includes Metal Gear Solid 4!
Most of the Playstations available right now either include no video games or include bad ones like Spiderman 3, Motorstorm, or Fight Night. This one includes the most anticipated game of the year! So, while the model I bought costs one-hundred more than the other model in stores, the new game-pad and included game in my bundle add up to the cost difference - even without considering the superiority of the actual Playstation model.
Anyhow, I'm justifying my purchase by telling myself that for the first time in three years I wont be paying two grand in registration fees to take classes this coming fall. Yes, I think I will keep telling myself this as I go to bed, especially since I still need to buy one more game-pad for two player games, a PS2 memory card adapter, and an HDMI cable that can handle 1080p.
Oh yes! And, the PS3 doubles as a Blu-ray Disc player.
And, this morning at 8:00 am, new software that allows for application installations will be released for the iPhone!
What a glorious week. I would write a review on Rambo and provide the background on the Metal Gear Solid series, but alas, it's 3:50 in the morning and I am (gasp) tired.
Posted by Chris at 4:43 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 30, 2008
Yes, I'm Back.
Ummmm had a really fun weekend with Christy in town and going to Disneyland on Friday. Also had fun going shopping at Ontario Mills yesterday and watching some movies/tv today. Hopefully next weekend Chris and I will be going to the San Diego Zoo and possibly doing some really cool things at the animal kingdom and THEN we will be coming to MO to visit! Yeeeeeessss the upcoming weeks are filled with some fun things. Fun is good.
OH for all the MO peeps, (hehehe) I am planning on trying to plan a party for SATURDAY, JULY 26TH!!!! So be there or be square. Details to come. (It was originally planned for Sunday the 20th but Erika suggested that Saturday might be better for all the people who have to work on Mondays ...)
And ... I ordered my FIRST EVER digital camera today. In fact, it's not only my first "digital" camera, it's my first camera PERIOD. Yes, for the past 24 years I've been using disposables. :P
Posted by Allison at 12:08 AM 2 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
Work sucked today ... and ... that is all I have to say about that.
Posted by Allison at 5:49 PM 3 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The Hike of Death
Anna's visit was fun. Tuesday night after she got into town, we went out for Jamba Juice and just hung out, which was lovely. Wednesday Anna, Chris and I went for a 7 mile hike in the mountains which was a lot of fun. I've been wanting to go hiking for SUCH A LONG TIME! lol. The scenery was beautiful (you can see pictures on my facebook and myspace,) and no one died. :P Although, Chris and Anna nearly died at the end because of a HUGE uber steep and long hill that you have to walk back up at the end. (I didn't almost die ... hmmm must be the Billy Blanks.) :P After we returned home and all took showers, we went "dessert hopping." Actually, we went to In'N'Out for burgers first because we hadn't eaten much all day and were in need of some major refueling. Then we went to Chilis and ordered both the chocolate molten lava cake and the "white" chocolate molten lava cake. Delicious! Afterwards we were planning on hopping to a few more restaurants for dessert, but our hopping was cut short due to fullness. :P Instead we came home and all talked for several hours until I finally forced myself to go to bed at 12:30am because I had to get up at 6am for work. And now ... I'm tired. Very, very tired. :::zonk:::
Posted by Allison at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Let the Good Times Roll
Chris graduated from the master's program. Woo woo!
My old college roomie Anna is coming to see me tonight, double woo woo! In fact, Chris is about to go pick her up from the airport right now! (I can't because I have my cake class at 6pm.) Thanks Chris! :)
I just bought an awsome book off of Amazon called 'Cakes to Dream On.' I'm soooo excited! :D I can't wait to start building big works of cake art. :P
Fun Times.
Posted by Allison at 4:08 PM 1 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Attempt #1
This is a picture of my first attempt at working with fondant! :D It didn't turn out as horrible as I thought it would, but of course it's not as good as I would like it either. BUT for a first attempt it's okay. It's actually a chocolate cake with chocolate pudding filling, iced with buttercream and covered in vanilla fondant. I really like working with fondant, it's super fun and it's almost like ... clay ... lol ... only ... tasty. And I'm also working on learning how to work with gumpaste and how to make fancy flowers. Weeee!
Posted by Allison at 2:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
Back to the 80's
Guess what I'm eating/chewing right now? Razzles! You see, in the movie '13 Going on Thirty' the two main characters grew up in the early 80's and had this major thing for Razzles. And they are talking about them in the movie and how they can't find them anymore and well ... I frankly had never seen them before and didn't even know if they existed. (Besides in the movie of course.) Well the other day while waiting in line to checkout at Michael's I spied a single pack of Razzles on top of a shelf. There weren't any others ... and I didn't even see a space where they were supposed to be. It was ... fate. "First it's a candy ... then it's gum!"
Posted by Allison at 1:03 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Oooooh Tush.
Today, I thought I was going to go blind in my right eye. This morning I went running before work, as usual, and about 8 minutes into the run a bug flew directly into my right eye. Now, normally when something gets into your eye, it stings a bit and gets a wee bit irritated. This however, felt more like a needle poking into my eyeball. Not only that, but the pain was so bad that I had to stop running. My vision in that eye was blurred for about 2 hours, it watered for about 2 and 1/2 hours, and my entire eyeball was sore. (Not to mention UBER bloodshot.) This whole eye deal made my nose run for the tire day. In fact, my nose is STILL running and my eye is STILL a bit sore. Blasted bugs!!!!
I've made more cakes this week then I've made in several years combined. lol. And I'm still trying to figure out the mystery that is learning how much batter to put in and how long to bake two 10" round cake pans. (I'm currently on my second attempt of the evening.) :P
Oh BTW Missouri folk, I might try and plan a small B-day party (aka as an excuse to get a bunch of friends together) while I'm home. I'm thinking on a Sunday ... perhaps ... July 20th? Hmmm ...
Posted by Allison at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 07, 2008
In Other News ...
Just got back from the theatre where Chris and I saw 'Iron Man.' Good movie. And also 'Kung Fu Panda.' Good movie. It made me want a bowl of noodles.
So I finally started my at home course work to work my way towards becoming a certified professional bridal consultant. Woo woo!!! The current course I am working on is etiquette. (There's 5 different courses with 5 different tests, and then I have to take a final exam and also do a final project.) After that, I have to complete a certain amount of hours of training before I get certified. But I'm excited!
Also, I added another cake class, so now I have TWO cake classes that I'm taking per week! The second is 'fondant and gum paste.' So far I love it and I'm so excited to be learning how to make fancy cakes! For our final project in that class we have to do a 3-tiered cake, which will be cool. I would love to be able to make some wedding cakes here and there as part of my wedding business. Although, taking both classes at once will be a bit crazy and time-consuming. Let's just say that I have to make several cakes a week! :P
The new mint mocha chip frap from Starbucks is sooooo good. YUM.
Posted by Allison at 6:17 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Baby Steps
Today I finally took three big important steps towards my career as a wedding planner! I paid for a one-year membership with the Association of Bridal Consultants, and also paid for a 5-course professional development program, which, when completed, will earn me the certification of professional bridal consultant! Total cost: $695. I also signed up at Michael's today to start taking cake decorating classes so I can eventually start learning how to make and decorate wedding cakes! Woooo hoo!!! Total cost: $48. I'm soooo excited! :D And yet, I'm sooooo much more broke. :P
Posted by Allison at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Ghost Spiders
I just did something that I never, ever do. I ... just killed a spider. By myself!!!! I HATE spiders. :::shudders::: They totally freak me out and I can never get up the nerve to kill them. But just now as I was getting out of the shower and walking into the bedroom, I noticed a medium sized brownish colored spider walking across the ceiling. While the thought of having to kill it myself, (Chris isn't home,) was terrible, the thought of it ending up in our bed some how was even worse. So ... I stood up on my computer/piano bench and smashed it with my shoe. And ... it's guts are now smeared on the ceiling. I feel a strange sense of accomplishment ...
I really, really want to take a cake design class. I want to learn how to bake, assemble, and decorate fancy wedding cakes. Plus, since I'm going into wedding planning, it might actually be useful! Right now I'm looking at classes at Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Arts Institute in Pasadena. I'm sure it's very expensive for their diploma and degree programs, so I'm going to see if they offer any individual classes. We'll see ...
New episodes of Ghost Hunters tonight- Yeessss!!!! :D
Posted by Allison at 3:05 PM 0 comments